Life as an Overlock

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He watched the Prince leave with her. He couldn't get his eyes to move away from her. And as they left, a part of him pulled towards her with every step she took. He ignored this new pain though. He found pain to be constantly with him day and night. He tried to not let it take him over.

He let out a quiet sigh once they were gone, and looked down at the bracelet. He smiled a bit. Well, Wing, expect a surprise visit sometime soon.

Magnus searched the room to see if anyone was around. He had to get back on duty.

Now the Prince never liked him, he knew that. In better words, the Prince hated Magnus. But Bartley the 2nd could not do a thing about it, for Magnus was the greatest spy of the King. If he could have his way, thought Magnus, I wouldn't be on the castle grounds or I might even be killed. Nah, don't over exaggerate. He felt like he wasn't though.

The day was almost out when Magnus finished speaking to the King and headed out of the castle. As he made his way out of the giant doors and to the drawbridge, someone stopped him. He turned his head to see who... Bartley.

Prince Bartley was a bit taller than Magnus, about 5 feet and 10 inches. Magnus barely looks up at him. He had a slight curl to his dark hair. His face was clean shaven. And he had an evil gleam in his brown eyes.

"Good evening, your majesty," Magnus said without moving from where he was.

At first, he didn't say anything, but Magnus could see that he was angry. Finally he spoke. "Why were you with Ms. Thrashwood this afternoon?"

Magnus moved his head forward again and smiled. He set his stuff on the ground and turned to face the Prince. "Wing? Well I just happened to go in there to get some fresh air to find her there. Then we started talking."

"Magnus, I know you, ..." (you do? Magnus thought) "My father sent you to watch her and make sure she was safe and wouldn't sneak out."

"Technically she already snuck out, just not out of the castle."

"Tell me this, did my father make you spy on her or-"

"Or did I chose that myself?" He laughed. "You'll have to ask the King for any information about my business of who I watch." Magnus knew that there wasn't much more his rival could say, so he turned again to leave.

"Magnus, do you like Wing?" Bartley's voice seem to echo in the empty castle entrance.

He stopped with surprise, but in that moment his heart beat rapidly. I just met this girl, why is my heart... He chuckled, "Your highness, I know that-"

"Don't flatter me with your words, Overlock. I'm going to marry that girl so don't get tangled up with her."

Magnus looked back again. For some reason anger burned in his heart. But he tried to cover it with a forced smile. "I won't, your majesty." That's all he could get out, before he left.

He walked in the dimly lit street, as he made his way to see an old friend. The evening was cold, and a bit damp after a light rain this afternoon. He headed towards MannerSkull pub, where his friend would be.

Beltin was always finding his way to a pub. To describe Beltin is pretty easy. He had blonde spiked hair, and blue eyes. He was an aasimar- or an angel in simple terms. They met working for the King and became pretty tight buds. His friend seemed to waist his evening drinking blindly. He seems rough to talk to, maybe even a bit mean, when he's sober. When he's drunk, his personality slightly changes, he becomes more talkative. But he was Magnus' only friend, so he keeps Beltin around. Magnus didn't even know where he got most of his money to get drinks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2020 ⏰

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