Chapter 1:Shit.

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It was early 3:00am to be exact.I left the house with a duffle bag filled with salt, iron, oil and a lighter and other essentials.Today was finally the day I was going to check out the abandoned funeral home about a mile away from my house.As I was walking down the street I looked through my research.There had been some recent deaths there and some witnesses which clearly I talked to.They all led me back to a ghost. Then with the simple research I found out it was actually the ghost of some old killer.I guess he still wanted to kill.I got there and unlocked the door and stepped in.I walked around trying to find some cold spots or something,anything that can lead me to his grave, and not my own. I had finally found the documents which kept where he was buried.They were right on top of a desk.Those stupid cops didn't take those goddamn papers! I heard the door crack open. I hid under the desk.I clutched the papers. Holding on to them like my own child.The men who came in must have came real close because I smelt them.The smell of fast food and crappy motels.Shit.Hunters.

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