Chapter 2: Meet the family

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I always knew I would approach other hunters someday. I wasn't ready. I didn't have a dead family member to push me into being a hunter. I didn't have a sob story ready yet.I knew I had to sneak out.I picked up a rock and threw it.Thats when I realized that there were two hunters.Only one went.So I threw another pebble.The second guy didn't hear it.He just stood there like a giraffe caught in headlights.Seriously he was so tall! I guess he was too high up to hear what went bump down there.I sat there for about twenty minutes,they finally decided to go upstairs.Thank The Lord!I was getting sore! I ran but I guess the tall guy heard it because he started to rush downstairs.Shit!Think think think! "Help!" I cried! Somehow that made them come faster."what is it." Said the regular height one. Wow he had a deep voice. "I I-I saw a dead man,I saw my grandpa!" I started to weep."I ju-just want to go home!" I cried even louder.The tall one bent over to talk to me."Stay away from me." I scream."You can trust us.Im sam, this is my brother dean." He said to try to comfort me.It took me a little bit for me to figure out they want me to say my name.I couldn't tell them my real name.These are hunters,hunters aren't friends."m-a-r-y." I said questioning my name decision.Clearly I am to badass to be like Virgin Mary."well then mary we should get you back home." Dean took me outside.I had contain my excitement.He owned a 67 Chevy impala.I got in the car not afraid, I mean gun vs any old hunter.we know who would win. "Where do you live" He asks "just a mile down there" I pointed.He started up that car.I didn't mean to say anything out loud but of course I did."damn listen to that baby purr." I said quickly realizing what I had said."I know. Are you cold?" He asked. He seemed so sweet! "No I'm go-" I was abruptly stopped. "Until you are safe at home I am taking care of you!" He turned on the heat. I heard something rattle,sounded like Legos or something."Sammy hurry up!" He shouted."I'm coming I'm coming!" Replied sam.Sammy? Which one I am confused!Sam walked out and the first thing that came to my mind was lorél.His hair flew in the wind as he strutted to the car. I could almost hear him thinking right left right left turn, strike a pose! He got in the car and shut the door.

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