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mattia polibio remarked, a smug look on his face. his cocky attitude immediately received an eye roll, or, well, a few, from a group of girls a couple feet away from him. he was disappointed to see a hot brunette was part of the bunch. mattia grumbled and threw a grape in his mouth, almost choking on the fruit when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"don't worry, casanova. i thought you were hilarious." the girl said, rubbing mattia's shoulder lightly. she had a wide smile, and was awfully short compared to the 6'2 boy. "unfortunately, the attendings did not." she started to laugh, moving her hand to grab a wine glass off of a waiters tray that was walking by, grinning slyly. "i'm taylor, by the way."

"mattia," he replied matter of factly, raising an eyebrow, and motioning towards the wine. the girl, who he presumed he could call taylor from now on, shrugged.

"wine won't do anything for me. i'll be my perky, bright self tomorrow for our first day on the job." taylor winked, suddenly paying attention to someone behind mattia. "ohmygod, is that dr. clayton? i have got to talk to him." she whispered, thrusting the wine glass into mattia's hand, and running past him, calling out over her shoulder, "nice meeting you mattia!"

mattia took a sip of the girls wine and started to crack a smile, taking a moment to look around the room. everyone seemed preoccupied, caught up in their own conversation. mattia almost couldn't believe tomorrow, he would be with these people for over 80 hours a week working on cases he had only dreamed about for so long. four years of university, four years of medical school had finally paid off. he was here, in one of the most esteemed teaching hospitals in the country. he had made it.

meanwhile, kairi cosentino sat in the corner of the room, positioned on an uncomfortable plastic chair and definitely not thinking about how "lucky" he was. he knew that's all people were talking about, patrick cosentinos son being in the operating room. 'it will almost like patrick himself is back!" seemed to be their favourite sentence.

don't get him wrong; kairi really did want to be a surgeon. he practically grew up in this hospital. after all, his dad was chief of surgery, before he had passed away a few years back. his father hadn't even gotten to see kairi's acceptance to medical school, nor his graduation and acceptance into the intern program at newark general.

people had been coming up to kairi all night, congratulating him and making positive comments. how he looked just like his father, and hopefully he had surgeon hands to replicate that.

kairi was never going to be his father.

it was weird; he had grown up with the people in this hospital. when his parents were together, his mother would bring him in all the time, and kairi would gladly say hi to everyone and just take in the crowded hospital. it amazed him; so many people all doing something important at once, so many people saving so many lives at once.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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