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The boat wandering away in the boundless sea,
Lost, with all the memories left behind.
Is this my destiny?
Far away from the shore, with no ray of hope.
Doubting my every move, my wings afraid to touch the sky.
Trapped at the sea, is this my destiny?

No! I can't be trapped, I can't wait.
I will be my own savior, I am a warrior!
With the wind guiding me,
My drive to reach the sky is burning brighter inside, The sea is lost like me!
The passion burning brighter and brighter as time passes,
This isn't my destiny!

I will reach the sky but, the sea~
The sea has taught me perseverance,
The sea full of hardships and darkness,
I learned how to smile and let go.

My emotions become my wings,
Wings as beautiful as the stars in the sky,
"I will miss you", I said
With my wings ready to fly,
To reach the sky and beyond.

Love, Abha

(A/N): I really like the free-verse style of poems. This poetry is really close to me as the sea is symbolic of Hardships. I hope you like it!

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