Chapter 3

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"Mom, stop stressing over me! I'm sixteen, I'm not stupid!" I say as I shove my stuff into my back pack. She has been literally freaking me out, giving me the worst scenarios like: "what if the bus breaks down?!" Or "what if you get kidnapped or hurt?!" I don't understand why she's so worried, I mean she's got Lauren and Harry to keep her company its not like I'm her favorite.

             A lot of things have gone in and out of my mind about the tour though. Especially after Ashton's "talk".

"Madi, can we talk outside for a moment?" Ashton asked while I was packing my bags.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask rather confused, but stepped outside anyways.

"You're coming on tour with eight hot boys, I'm pretty sure you knew this was coming..." He said flatly. I groaned.

"Not this again..." I mumbled.

"I don't care about what you want to say. I don't care if its unfair, you're not allowed to date any of the boys." He finally said.

"I wasn't planning on it. But even if I was, why would that be?" I ask. I don't get what the problem is in dating one of the band members, I mean they are still people. I haven't really met them in person yet, but I do know they're gorgeous. I've seen their pictures.

"Because. I don't want you getting hurt like when you were with Jason..." He hesitated a little. All those memories came rushing back. I don't think I'm ready to share that story with you all yet if I'm completely honest. Let's just say it led me to things I regret doing... "I'm sorry, sis. After seeing you hurt like that, I really feel protective of you. Can you promise you won't date any of them?" Ash put his hand out for me to shake. I hesitated before I gave him mine.

I don't know why I feel nervous though. I mean, maybe its just the whole Jason memory thing.

"Okay, Madi! Tomorrow's the big day, so today I letting you meet the boys! Just the 5SOS Lads though. The other 5 couldn't make it." Ashton barged into my room and scared the crap out of my mom.

"Okay you two have fun, I'll finish packing!" My mom smiled.

"Okay can you just give me like two seconds to get ready?" I ask. He nods and I run into the bathroom. It was only 11:29A.M. here so I still had my bed hair mode switched on.

I fought with one strandbof my hair for more than three minutes until I threw on some short jeans and an ATL faded out black T-shirt. If I was gonna meet the boys I was gonna spend the rest of the year with I might as well look nice!

"Okay! I think I'm done!" I took my 5 dollar note and my blue iPhone 5c and followed Ashton to my parent's Cadillac.

Inside we had cream leather seats and a black steering wheel. The windows were darkened on the outside so we could see people, but they couldn't see us. Our car is black on the outside and its got one of those ceiling windows where you can stock your head out. It is honestly the best feeling in the world.

We entered the Diner called 'Friday is Bae' (A/N don't even ask cos I don't know) I giggled at the name. I had never been here. It was just off the high street hidden behind the local park where I skate. I'm surprised I've never seen this place.

"Its new, they've just opened it." Ashton said reading my mind. "We're going there cos not many people know about it, so not many people are gonna see us." He smiled.

"God, you're like and undercover agent..." I mumbled causing Ashton to chuckle.

"Name's Irwin, Ashton Irwin," He said in the style of James Bond. I snorted while I laughed causing me to laugh even harder.

As soon as we entered the stuffy room, I noticed a lot of things. The tables and chairs looked like they came out of a 60s movie (which I liked), there were lots of shades of Mint Green, Baby Blue and Baby Pink. The guy workers were dressed as bikers and the girl ones were dressed very rock-a-billy (A/N if you don't know what that type of clothing looks like, research it its awesome) .

We reached a booth passing an old couple which was having breakfast and that's when I saw the people I had never seen in my life, but basically knew everything about.

"Hey, Ash! Who's the girl?" Luke asked.

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