Chapter 8

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And so I explained. I explained that I had to sneak her around so that she wouldn't get caught.

"You sneaky little-" He was gonna swear, I knew it and on top of that, he was talking really loudly, so I put a hand on his mouth to shut him up.

"Be our friend and keep it a secret..." I whisper taking my hand off his mouth. Why did it feel so weird to touch his lips? Okay well, I'm gonna ignore that....

"Pwease..." Emma made her unresistable puppy-dog eyes and popped out her perfectly-pink bottom lip (again, I'm straight.)

"Ugh. Fine!" He gave up and threw himself back on the couch.

"Wanna play some FIFA?" I ask nudging him with my shoulder. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"NO! Please don't!" Emma moaned.

"Come on one game since we're probably gonna be at the airport soon... And we're gonna have to live 24 hours without playing..." I tried intrigue him, even though I knew he had his phone, but there's no reception, so half of his apps won't work.

"Well, since this is the last time in 24 hours... I can't say no to a FIFA so..." He trailed and picked up a remote. The X-Box was already on since Michael already switched it on.

I took the golden remote (my own one from home which was now gold and silver cos I used it so much some if it faded off... Don't judge) and started the match.

"No freaking way..." Luke looked at the scores that said 6 - 1 to me.

"You're actually lucky, normally people never score even one." I chuckled. There was a knock on the door and we turned to Emma who ran straight into the bathroom.

"Come in..." I said.

"Hey, so we're stopping in like two minutes, so if you can just gather your stuff." Michael popped in. As soon as he saw me with Luke, he grinned.

"Tha- oh god you- NO MIKEY WE WERE ONLY PLAYING FIFA!" I screamed. He laughed at me.

"Whatever you say..." He trailed and left the room.

So, story so far? Well, I get invited on tour with the 5SOS boys and I'm trying to secretly sneak Emma out of the country. Is this even part of the law?

And yes. I have made a ticket... What do you think I am, stupid?

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