Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The kitchen was HUGE! It had 2 stoves, 2 refrigerators, several cabinets, a table and an island made out of graphite. We said simultaneously,"What do you want?" I laughed and said,"Can you cook?" He nodded,"Yeah, I'm gonna make an egg, cheese, and bacon wrap." I sighed and sat at one of the stools. He gave me a weird look. "Do you want to cook?" I shrugged,"Never really get to. I'll do it tomorrow though." He shook his head,"I don't want you cooking till your arm is fully healed" I sighed again and said,"Ok, do you have any aspirin?" He nodded and said,"Bathroom cabinet." I hopped up and went back upstairs to the bathroom. I couldn't find anything. I was about to go ask Damon, when an arm wrapped around my waist," Wrong bathroom." Damon whispered into my ear. He was too close, the hot air going down my neck made me shiver."I'm not ready" was all it took for him to back off some. "That's understandable, I forget how you humans are." He hissed the word humans like it was a bad name. "There's nothing wrong with humans!" I snapped, getting a little defensive. "I know, but when I was younger, one of my closest friends was taken away from me." I didn't want to ask, but I needed to,"What happened?" He sighed,"She was going to be the next alpha, and her father got mad because she went out partying instead of doing some work. He screamed at her and said she wasn't good enough and she never would be. She had always looked up to her father, but when he said that, she ran. Later, rouges got into the territory and kidnapped her. We tried to stop them, but they got away." He actually started to tear up. I hugged him until he was ok. "After breakfast, what do you want to do today?" I thought for a moment while he went to go get me some aspirin. When he got back,"My arm is almost healed, I'll remove the cast, and we'll go to the lake!" He nodded and brought me down stairs to eat my wrap and it was delicious. While we ate, we sat in a comfortable silence. We asked T if she wanted to come but she said she's feeling sick. I got into a hot pink bikini and Damon got some navy blue swim shorts and no shirt. He growled at me,"I don't know if I should tell you to get some clothes on or if I should just take you." I froze on the step I was on. "I didn't mean it like that, I was joking." I nodded and went to stand next to him. "It's fine lets go." He pulled on my newly healed arm. "No it's not ok, I didn't mean it like that. When I said I was willing to wait, I meant it. I love you and I'll be ready when you are." I smiled and said,"Thank you, really, now lets go down to the lake!" He brought me across there backyard, which was a really long walk, but it was worth it. They had this beautiful flower garden, planted by his mother. When we left the garden, there was the lake, where they made sure was kept clear of snakes. He jumped in and I was about to follow him in, when someone tapped on me. I turned and a very gorgeous person that would make anyone's self esteem drop. She had long thick locks of brown hair. She had the whitest teeth ever, and all the right curves. I have curves, but it seemed like she looked way better than I did. "Can you move? I'm wanting to ask cutie over there in the water for his digits." I ground my teeth together and said,"He's mine." Just then Damon surfaced, and she sang. It was amazing but Damon didn't look impressed. She growled and jumped on me. I flipped us over where I was on top and she bit me and murmured,"I release my curse onto you, bound by blood" she drank my blood, but herself and forced me to drink hers,"my curse is now yours." I felt this burning sensation in my chest, which made me cry out and fall off of her. She laughed as I writhed in pain. Finally, the pain got so intense, I passed out.


Next chapter is going to be Damon's pov. Tell me how I'm doing. Comment, vote, and keep reading!


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