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Hyunjin looked at Felix. "Are you alright did he touch you?" Hyunjin asked. "No I'm okay Jinnie why are you so worried?" Felix asked. "I just....never mind." Hyunjin said softly.

"Hyunjinnie I'm bored." Felix whined. "Why do-" but Felix's ringtone cut Hyunjin off. Felix picked up his phone and it was Chan. "Hello?" Felix said. "Felix it's Minho, he's crying." Chan said. "What's wrong?" Felix asked. "Jisung broke up with him." Chan said.

Felix and Hyunjin exchanged glances. "Shouldn't you change first?" Hyunjin asked. "It's Minho I cant let him down." Felix said.

When Felix arrived at Chan's house he knocked, Chan opened the door and had a confused expression on his face. "What are y-" Felix cut him off. "No time to explain where's Minho!?" Felix yelled as he pushed past Chan and saw Minho crying on the couch, Woojin trying to comfort him.

Felix landed next to Minho, Hyunjin next to Felix. "Hyung what happened?" Felix asked. Minho wiped his eyes. "I took Jisung on a date since I wanted to spend time with him. During the date I wanted to surprise him with a kiss but as soon as my lips touched his he pushed me back and stood up saying he couldn't do "us" anymore and said that he was breaking up with me." Minho said as he began to sob again.

Felix felt bad for the older. "We have to find Jisung." Felix said. "You should change first." Chan said looking at Felix's outfit with a brow raised. "Yeah I should, Chan can I borrow some of your clothes?" Felix asked. "Of course." Chan said. Felix rushed upstairs to change.

Felix finished changing and thought to himself. "Why is it that all of a sudden there's so much drama going on?" Felix asked himself. Felix placed his clothes in his bag and rushed back downstairs when everyone's phone went off. They all refreshed their feed on Instagram.

@ chipmunkcheekz made a new post!

89k likes | 7k commentschipmunkcheekz Blue really suits me now it's time to go hang out with @ misterdarkseo !!Load More Comments !

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89k likes | 7k comments
chipmunkcheekz Blue really suits me now it's time to go hang out with @ misterdarkseo !!
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"Now we know where he is at least." Chan signified. Woojin nodded as he scrolled through other posts. "Let's Go then." Felix said as he was already on his way out the door.

Hyunjin followed behind Felix. Lee know kept track by looking at any new posts Jisung or Changbin uploaded.

Felix tried to find the location. When they all had arrived they tried to find their friend. "Jisung should be near a sunset he just posted a picture of one." Lee know stated. "I swear if Jisung is hooking up with Changbin imma explode." Lee Know added.

"That can't be possible if Jisung always has an interest in Hyunjin.." Chan said. "...to cover up the fact that he actually like Bin." Woojin said. "No no no no." Minho whined.

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