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Heavy clouds dotted the sky overhead. A stray dog barked at another stray but friendlier dog, somewhere nearby. The water in some of the potholes from the previous night's heavy shower, splashed as a group of friends walked through it noisily. 

In the Starbucks on Fergusson College Road, the woman behind the counter asked for the name of the petite girl,"What should I put as your name, Miss?" 

"Maitreyi." The girl went on to spell it out for the lady working the counter, used to people either misspelling her name or mishearing it. A taller girl beside Maitreyi muttered underneath her breath,"Starbucks is so overpriced." 

As they stepped out with the order, Maitreyi simply smiled at her friend in amusement,"Just once. I wanted to try it! Besides, you didn't order anything anyway. Kaku won't be mad at you, don't worry." 

They both stepped aside to let another cacophonous group of friends pass by. Maitreyi shook her head in annoyance as she tried her double chocolate chip. Her friend tried it as well and they both concluded that while it was good, it was definitely overpriced.

"Don't you think FC Road is becoming too crowded with college students nowadays?" Maitreyi wondered out loud. Her friend shrugged,"It's always been crowded. Fergusson College was established around a century ago. Oh, by the way, do you know that friend from school who was also in my junior college? She got into FC as well. B.Sc. though." 

Maitreyi nodded her head as if she was thinking deeply about her friend's friend getting into FC. They continued walking along the footpath, towards where they had parked their scooters side by side. Maitreyi's phone rang out loudly, blasting the annoying default ringtone, signalling a call. Her friend made a face as she mouthed, I'm going to change your ringtone after that call. 

They reached their scooters, Maitreyi greeting into the phone after picking up the call,"Aai, what's up?" 

"Don't give me all that what's up. I don't hear it properly half the time and it just sounds very fake." 

"Okay, aai." She couldn't help but chuckle. "You called for something?" 5pm and the sky was ready to burst. Monsoons had always been of a medium intensity in Pune, except one flood a few decades back. Or maybe more, Maitreyi wasn't really sure. She wanted to get home before it started raining heavily. She didn't want to get stuck in traffic, on a scooter, with water upto her knees.  

"Yes. Our society's night watchman was changed yesterday. Deshmukh kaku told me. He might ask you where you're going. If he probes too much, just call me. I have told him your scooter plate number but he still might ask." 

"Okay. I will keep the phone now. I have to finish this drink I got and then it might start raining. I will reach home in a while." After several instructions from her mother to make sure to wear a helmet, oh! and a raincoat too, she managed to hang up the call. 

After finishing her drink and some parting chit chat with her friend, they both wore their scarves and helmets. She skipped the raincoat, figuring it was too much of a hassle for the relatively short journey home. The drops of water falling on her nose should have been a warning. 


The sky gods weren't waiting any longer and Neel sighed as he saw the torrential downpour he might have to wait out, as he stood in the department building closest to the SP College parking. Some more students loitered about in the halls, either waiting for the rains to reduce in intensity, or just talking with their friends. 

He texted his father once, mentioning that it might take him a while longer to reach home. A small cough from beside him made him look up. A girl who looked vaguely familiar, smiled at him as she asked,"Have you started with the first book on the assigned reading list?" 

He shrugged awkwardly and smiled back,"Uh, I have already read An Astrologer's Day. I haven't yet started on the others. What about you?" 

"I have started reading the R.K.Narayan book that you just mentioned." She was maybe from his class. He did remember seeing her somewhere. "Did you do your schooling in English medium?" 

He put his phone back in his jeans pocket as he turned fully towards her and nodded,"Yes. You?" 

"Semi English. But I studied in complete English in junior college. I still stumble a bit while speaking but it's nothing a little bit of practice can't improve." She shrugged and smiled. She looked slightly embarrassed to not be able to speak proper English yet. Neel felt the need to smile wider to assure her that her English was perfectly fine and that it would only improve over time.

"Are you waiting for someone to pick you up?" He asked instead, looking out at some students getting picked up by their parents. The intensity of the downpour had reduced enough that he could drive his scooter without water getting into his eyes too much to disturb his vision. 

She looked at him slightly wide eyed,"No. I don't have a driver's license yet. I go by rickshaw but I'm not sure I can go to the rickshaw stand in this rain. I forgot to get my raincoat today or an umbrella. Aai reminded me at least 5 times and I don't usually forget but I did, today." 

He smiled a bit at her rambling and looked out at the rain again,"Where is the rickshaw stand? I can drop you off there, if you're comfortable with that." 

She didn't answer for a few seconds, thinking it over and then finally said,"Okay. It's getting late so I might as well get a rickshaw as soon as I can. Thank you very much." 


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