How you Met

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Geralt of Rivia:

Geralt was riding to Novigrad when an arrow whizzed y his head. Looking in the direction on where it came from, he saw young woman fighting a water hag in the swamp. He assumed the arrow was for the monster, he noticed how she held her left arm close to her chest. Geralt drew his sword unmounting his horse, he decided to help the hurt girl. It wasn't until he was closer, he saw the school of cat necklace around her neck and the bloody gash is her left arm, the hag threw mud in the girls' face leaving her blinded. Geralt jumped in front of her striking the hag. He was able to kill the water hag in a few blows. Geralt turned to the girl to find her leaning against a tree trying to clean her face of mud.

"You're from the school of cat?" He asked her while looking around at the many dead drowners on the ground.

"Yeah, one of the last ones trained." She said whipping the mud from her eyes.

"I am Geralt of Riva." He said waking up to her, "Let me see your arm." He said

"That damned hag came out of nowhere while I was fighting the drowners." She groaned extending her arm. It was bad, needed medical assistance bad.

"Where's your horse?" He asked

"Uh, I don't have one." She said slowly as he ripped his shirt sleeve off and wrapped it around her arm.

"Come on then." He said scooping her up and setting her on roach before getting on himself. If took the reins and wrapped his free arm around her tightly. "You need a medical attention."

"(Your name). My names (Your name)." She said softly.



Dandelion was running around the Rosemary and Thyme fixing things and writing. The door opened when he had his back to it. Zoltan walked to the door talking to the person.

"That's him?" they asked.

"Yup. That's Dandelion." Zoltan said, Dandelion noticed someone walking to him. He turned around to see a woman in elegant clothing.

"Julian Alfred Pankratz, the man who took geography at Oxenfurt due to the fact that the books for that class were large enough that he could hide vodka behind them." The woman softly giggled staring at him.

"Yes?" He asked absolutely taken by her beauty.

"I am Madame (Your name)." She said holding out her white gloved hand to him. He took her hand before bowing down kissing the back of it.

"She rented out the top one while you were 'away', Madame here helped me keep this place running." Zoltan said standing beside her.

"And ill be renting it out again." She said smiling at Dandelion.

"Of course!" He said



Eskel was traveling through Velen when he heard a scream. He took off in the direction, Eskel came into a clearing. A woman was standing there with a sliver sword in one hand and flames in the other. She was fighting a noon wraith.

"Hey! Why don't you come help instead of standing around watching!" She yelled, Eskel then noticed the blood dripping from her arm.

'She's hurt!' He yelled in his head while running with his sword out. The wraith hit the girl knock her onto the ground. He laid one final blow on it, instantly killing the thing. He seethed his sword before kneeling beside her.

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