Lambert x reader: Drunken Confession {Request}

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(Y/N) has been at Kaer Morhen for a few months now, she saved Vesimir from a powerful drowner. The girl was one of the last few witchers from The School of Cat.

One night; Geralt, Eskel, and Lambert got drunk while playing Qwent while (Y/N) was teaching Ciri and Eskel's girlfriend about the different fighting styles she knew.

"Haha I win!" Eskel grinned drunkinly standing up stumbling over two the three females.

"I better go put Eskel to bed, see you girls in the morning." The pale woman with brown hair, Sarah, sighed standing up and walking over to the male.

"Darlingggg." He slurred wrapping his arms around her making the girl groan as she led him to their room

Geralt was laughing and smirking at the Witcher in front of him, Lambert had his head on the table cussing.

"Come on, a bet is a bet." Geralt snickered as the two females stood up.

"What bet?" Ciri asked walking over to the two males as (Y/N) cleaned up the table.

"Lambert here." Geralt said standing up, (Y/N) walked over picking up the many tankers on their table, "Has to-"

"Shut it!" Lambert snapped and watched as (Y/N) walked into the kitchen, "I should help her." Lambert stood up quickly grabbing the rest of the tanks and the half empty bottle of Whiskey.

(Y/N) was elbows deep scrubbing the cups.

"Stupid drunks." She muttered as Lambert dropped the cups in the water making the soap splash up onto her face making her groan. Lambert sat in a chair drinking the rest of the bottle.

"Want some?" He asked looking at her

"No thank you." She said wiping the soap from her check and flicking it at the Witcher before washing the other cups, "You know your going to have a horrible hangover tomorrow?"

"So?" He asked drinking the last of the liquid, she groaned in response as she dried her hands on the back of her pants.

"Your beautiful." He said as the girl pulled him from the chair, she brought his arm over her shoulder.

"And your drunk." She sighed, beginning the long walk to his room

"You are though!" He whined out leaning his weight on the poor girl, (Y/N) pushed open his door and dropped him onto the bed.

"Let's get you cleaned up." She sighed pulling his armor off over his head and laying on the table

"(Y/N)..." He said slowly as she pulled his boots off

"What is it?" She asked unbuttoning his shirt that smelled of alcohol.

"I love you." He said deadly serious for a drunk man

"Excuse me?" She asked eyes wide, a dark blush spreading across her face

"I Love you." He said again starring at her

"Lambert your drunk." She sighed sadly as she grabbed the water basin and a cloth

"I'm serious!" He cried out, "(Y/N) I love you; I've loved you since the day we met."

"Lambert.." She said whipping his face with the wet cloth, "Well talk about this in the morning, get some sleep."

"No!" He reached out taking her hand tightly, "I love you, the only reason I drank so much was because I wanted to tell you but didn't know how." He placed her hand on his heart looking up at her

"I-i love you too." She said slowly making him grin like a kid and hugging her tightly. She giggled hugging him back.

"WEEEEEE!" A voice yelled out,

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Another called out

"What was-" They looked out the opened door to see Geralt sprint by with a naked Eskel chasing behind him.

"ESKEL GET YOUR CLOTHS BACK ON!!!" Sarah yelled chasing after the men with Ciri following.

"Oh yay, you two finally are a couple." Ciri said stopping at the door with a panting Sarah beside her.

"Finally! I've been waiting for you two to get together for months now." Sarah panted out her hands on her knees

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!" Vesimir's voice rang out through the castle

"Shit." Ciri said and started running again with Sarah, leaving the two alone.

"Well, tonight has been interesting-" She looked up to see Lambert asleep standing up. (Y/N) Laughed pushing him onto the bed before shutting and locking the door. Tucking him into the bed, she laid down beside him where he snuggled his face into her hair. Everything was soon quite and peaceful.






I do not like Lambert that much so i hope you enjoyed this :), Requested by Heleana.

Sarah is me btw :)

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