Another one!? (Edited)

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Disclaimer! : I do not own Harry Potter all credits got to J. K. Rowling also this part I found while searching on the internet. And also The Marauders don't hate Slytherins they just like pulling pranks on them just to clarify.


You could hear a quill drop. The silence was deafening.

The hat was whisked away from the boy's head but made no attempt to remove himself from the stool. He was frozen with fear and surprise.

The rest of the students were gaping at him, their mouths hanging open.
He glanced towards his cousins.

They were, of course, wearing all green. They were also wearing horrified and angry expressions.  He swallowed.

Professor McGonagall gave him a gentle nudge. He stumbled from the stool but didn't get very far. His legs seemed to forgotten their purpose. He helplessly stood in one spot. A lump formed in his throat.

And then, from the sea of students donning red and gold, Sirius Black stood up. He was beaming from ear to ear and his eyes were shining with happiness and pride.

And so Regulus raced towards his brother. Sirius caught him and the two tightly hugged.
"I'm so proud of you reg!"
No one's POV
The sorting was finished and everybody dug in. "Welcome to Gryffindor Regulus," a boy with messy black hair with Hazel eyes said. "So how do you feel in Gryffindor?" Sirius said happily eating.

"I'm scared what Mother and Father will say," said Regulus nervously but shaking off the feeling soon enough. Sirius smiled "Don't worry about them, for now just focus on the courses."

"Hello I'm Remus Lupin," said a boy with a huge scar having brownish hair. "I'm James Potter," said the boy with black messy hair. Regulus for some reason felt attracted to the Potter boy.

" and I'm Peter Pettigrew." said a chubby kid.
Regulus Black POV
September 4th
I have been doing well in Gryffindor so far. Tho Sevilla Tigris keeps on staring at me, I see her at every class and sits close to me.

Sometimes even follows me, I always felt my heart skip a beat near Potter. I sometimes find myself staring at him. Me and the marauders are getting along. ( mostly with Remus)

Although they've been pulling pranks on me since I got here, they're actually great to hang around with. Remus and I study together, Peter and I TRY to do muggle cooking during free periods (mostly after dinner) James and Sirius, well other than planning pranks nothing. There basically joined hip to hip(I̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶j̶e̶a̶l̶o̶u̶s̶). I occasionally watch Remus telling them to do homework.

My roommates are ok I guess I mean we don't talk much other than  "we're going to be late" or. "wake up" it's basically dull and boring.

A/N: because I ship every ship in HP (except snamione Idk about snarry) and this story popped up in my head. It's also going to be harder for upload so don't expect a lot of updates, bye!
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