The Howler and finding out

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Third-person pov
It's been a week Regulus was in Hogwarts. He made friends and does well in class. It's on September 11. Thousands of owls started arriving most were care packages some were just letters. Sirius usually got nothing unless Andromeda sends something. Regulus well, it was a red envelope and his face lost color drastically. Sirius knew what was coming he received on the first day of school.

Regulus opened it unwilling, "REGULUS ARCTURUS BLACK!" it was his mother's voice the whole hall was quiet. "HOW DARE YOU BE SORTED IN GRYFFINDOR, JUST LIKE YOUR BROTHER YOU ARE A DISGRACE!"

The holder continued "YOU ARE A SHAME TO THE BLACK NAME!" if you listened enough you could hear the boy whimper. After the howler ended he ran to the bathroom. Sirius and the rest of the marauders followed. Regulus was in the bathroom Silently crying, a few sniffles and hiccups "Reggie" Sirius said. for the past few minutes, we're comforting words and hugs. "Thanks guys," Regulus said with a little smile.
Regulus POV
Nov 10
Remus keeps on disappearing once a month he comes up with excuses like "my mothers ill" or " I had a cold". I checked when Remus gets sick once a month and...

All on the full moon? He gets sick a day before he leaves. And the day he goes to his 'ill mother' is the full moon could he be a werewolf? I mean he has scars all over his arms and one on his face. All too big to be a dog or cat scratch. Why didn't he tell us? Why did he hide it from us? Then it hit me. He's scared, scared that me, James, Sirius, And Peter would leave him.

All these confirmed that he was a werewolf
How am I going to tell him that I know about the lycanthropy? I guess I'll just tell him but how does he transform in such pain?
Questions kept on popping up in my head. It's 9:00 I have DADA soon

A/N: here's CHP 2 also this story is Inspired by TheMarauderslife
The story is called Black in the past. She/He made lily and Regulus a Marauder so it made me also want to make them a Marauder and let them have animagus form go check her/his story out

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