The one they so call Lesile

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(I told ya it was gonna be temporary :3 but like I said her art style has upgraded mine so my characters actually have chins and noses lol)

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me.

"Ye comin matey?" He glared,

"Yeah, I'm coming." I slowly walked into the pitch black library.

He walked next to a wall and started to search for something. It was the light switch because he found it and turned it on.

"It was a little dark in yere." He smiled,

"Heh, a little dark it was bacically pitch black mate," I snickered.

"Yo, I think I hear percing boy," I heard a voice from the back say,

Wait, are there other people are?

"Yo! Percing boy! We're back here!" The same voice yelled.

"Yar, yes it be me matey!" Issac yelled back,

Is this a meeting place for him and his friends?

"Cmon! We've been waiting for you!"

"Cmon matey! I'm going to show ye me friends," he smiled,

I nodded, "ok,"

He started to walk to the back, as I followed

I glanced at all the books as we walked passed,

Oh, Pink Blood the third I have the 1st and 2nd. So this is great!

I stopped in my tracks and grabbed the book, I put my back pack on the ground and kneeled down to opened it.

"Ye stealen books?" I heard Issac snicker,

"Your seein things mate," I joked as I the book in my bag and zipped it up.

"Yar, it's fine matey. Nobody remembers the books that are in yere. Ye won't get in trouble," He smiled.

I started to hear a pair of feet walking torwards us. I zipped up my bag and put it back on my back,

"Whoms your friend percing boy?" They asked Issac as I got back on my feet.

I turned around to see a tall female with bleached hair, along with pale grey eyes that pierced through you.

A little dramatic but I'm not wrong.

But I'm not done. There was another one, it was a dark skinned kid with dark green hair wearing a mask.

"Yar, this yer matey be Blareta Mizer." Issac introduced me,

Wait, how does he know know my actuall name? I never gave him my full name?

"Wait, mate how do you know my full name?" I asked him,

"Oh, yer name was on ye schedule card," he answered.

"Well Blareta. I'm Lesile, Lesile Gnomes." I turned my attention to lesile.

"Just call me blair... but it's nice to meet ya mate," I smiled,

"Oh boy now we have two people who use either mate or matey," she joked.

Issac ignored the comment but also suddenly looked around really confused,

"You good Mate?" I glanced at the red headed boy.

"Yes matey I very much am good, I'm just wonderin we're baby is."

I wonder who baby is?

He turned his attention torwards Lesile, "Yar lesile, where be baby?"

"Oh, she told me she might be runnin a bit late." Lesile answered as she glanced at my hand.

And just to let you know I still have my schedule card from the principle in my hand.

She snatched the card from my hand, "I want to see if we have any classes together,"

"If I am correct she as lunch period with us," he glanced at the wall looking at the weird designs.

"So... we have third period together a.k.a lunch. along with biology, science, math, and history. But... I've also never seen you around this place so... are you like new my dude?" She asked,

"Yes, I actually just moved here yesterday day" I answered.

"Where'd you move from? wait let me guess.... England."

I nodded, "Your correct I did move here from England, but just me... my mother has been in this town since I was about 5. I kinda just lived with my father in England til now,"

"Wait, whoms your mother?" She asked another question.

Does she somehow know my mother? I mean I don't know how long she's lived in this town...

"Lora Butcher," I answered,

"Wait your her daughter?? Damn girl you have like fifty siblings!" A little dramatic but oki.

"Yar, I already put the two dots together matey." Issac piped up,

"How man?" She glanced at him.

"Nobody has eyes like those unless it be Lora Butcher. And I may have never met her ex husband but if me be correct, he has bright brown eyes like the minireenas," he explained

Fun fact, all of my siblings who I guess are called by minireena are actually my half siblings.

I suddenly felt a tap on my back while the others were trying to I don't know figure me out? Well anyways, I turned around to see the kid with the mask. He waved as his grey eyes made me want to spill all my darkest secrets.

"Ello," I waved back,

I suddenly felt eyes on me, it was Leslie.

"We should tell you this while we can my dude, that kid's name is Paxton. He's mute."

Bloody hell! I should of known!

"Oh, I'm so sorry..." I sighed, he nodded as if he said it was ok.

"Well since we have lots of time, how 'bout we hang out til' other wise" lesile sugested,

"Mine as well...."

"Yar! We mine as well show her yer siblings! And the others that are already be here!" He smiled.

"That would be cool... I never really had friends at my old school.." I made eye contact with the red head,

"Who wouldn't want to be friends with ye! Your pretty damn cool to me laddy!" He told me encouragingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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