Chapter 1

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AN: please be kind, I have never written a story to this length before and I know I don't have the best punctuation, but I have always wanted to write a story like this so please enjoy and leave me comments letting me know what you think.
Ps: none of the things in these stories are true so please don't judge it based off of beliefs you might have this is all my imagination! Thank you 😊

Alesia's POV:

The forest, the sounds of all of the animals moving around me, I felt like I was a part of them. I only ever feel like I am home, or close to what could feel like home in this forest, something draws me here I just don't know what it is.

That wretched scream pulled me completely out of my happy place...
"Paisley must you always ruin a good moment for me?" I say as I roll my eyes at her.
"Yes bitch now get your ass moving, we have a PARTAYYY to go to" she says while tugging at my arm pulling me out of the beautiful forest and into her massive house that anyone, and I mean anyone could get lost in.

We walk into her massive closet and she starts throwing multiple clothing options at me, and let's just say we have very different styles. Paisleys style includes lots of glitter and colors that look like a unicorn puked on them, and I'm definitely a lot darker and more reserved. Don't get me wrong I love a little bit of color but I just hate her clothing.
"Paisley take these clothes away" I say with a look of disgust. "I will gladly go and find something from my bag." I am currently living out of a bag, I'm 20 now so I no longer have to live in the foster system, but I also don't have a permanent place to live. I just can't figure out where home is.
"No you will not!" She yelled "I'm sure I can find something more your style" paisley said with finger quotes.

I decide to wear whatever she gives me just so I don't have to hear her whine later about how horrible I look, and how I could be so much prettier if I put in a little effort, so I suck it up and let her dress me.

1 hour later we arrive at the party, I have been dreading this party since I heard about it. Honestly it's just not my scene, I only come because I know it makes paisley happy.
We walk over to the bar and I order a whiskey while paisley orders one of her froo froo drinks that taste like juice.

I know what your thinking, this girl sounds like a complete bitch, well I guess I am? My life has been hell and I put up a huge shield that pretty much makes me emotionless, and to be honest I like it this way... it means no pain, i can't take anymore pain.
I take a big swig of my whiskey, the feeling of the warm alcohol going down my throat creating a slight burn feels absolutely amazing. I order a few more drinks, and start to slowly fade away.

At some point during my state of intoxication I must have left the party, because I woke up in the forest. This has never happened to me before, I may love this place but I have never slept out here. I remember nothing from the night before not how I got here or why I was here. Then it hit me... all I could smell was the smell of rainwater, pine, and the smallest hint of what smelled like a chocolate chip cookie... "what is that" I say to myself.

I tried to follow the scent.  As I got closer the scent got stronger, I was completely intoxicated by it, I thought I might pass out. I walk a bit further and finally I reach a small lake. "The smell is has to be coming from over here," I move forward and that's when I see him, he's beautiful. I start to move forward just wanting to get closer and figure out why he smells so amazing, but then everything went black...

UNKNOWN MALE: "you walked onto the wrong territory rogue".

First chapter! I know it's short but I'm still learning this. I hope you like it, like I said I have never written like this before and I'm trying my best!

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