Chapter 10

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Alesia's POV:

I made my decision, I knew I couldn't back out now. He stares at me for a moment, he's in complete shock, I know he wasn't expecting this from me, I wasn't expecting this from me. I told myself I was going to be alone forever, I was a broken person but I need to let him in, I honestly have no choice.

He just continues to stare so I grab him by the beard and push my mouth up against his, forcing him from the spell he is in, he instantly starts kissing me back with pure passion,

"Mark me now!" I exclaim, I can't hold it back, if this is happening I need it to happen to the fullest. He pulls me into the woods near us and drags me along. We walk for a while, the tension is killing me but I know we have to get away from the park, we didn't need any children seeing what was going to happen between us.

The sun starts to slowly set, it's beautiful. We make it to a big clearing in the woods and he instantly pulls me close and presses his lips firmly to mine. I run my tongue against his lips looking for entrance, he grants me that. He slowly lays me down without breaking our kiss. He pulls of my clothes off so quickly I almost didn't notice until I was completely naked underneath him. I didn't want any foreplay I wanted him in me now, I needed his mark, I needed all of him.

He strips off all of his clothing, "I need you inside of me now" I whimper, I almost can't take it, my wolf is on edge she needs her mate, he rubs his tip along my entrance, I moan out in pleasure and grasp at his hips trying to force him closer to me, he does as I want and thrusts into me hard and fast, eager moans escaping my mouth, I'm almost put into a trance.
"I'm going to mark you baby then you will be mine forever."
I wait in anticipation until I feel him bite into my flesh, a small bit of pain hits me but then is over in seconds and immense pleasure takes over, "yes Desmond" I moan out. I can feel our bond heightening, my wolf is howling in ecstasy, we found our mate.

Desmond's POV:
I lay there with her, running my hand through her soft hair, kissing her forehead. I can feel how strong the bond is, my love for her almost hurts. If anything ever happened to her I don't think I could survive it. They say the bond between mates is the most intense thing you will experience in your entire life. I feel for the wolves who never find their mate, I can't imagine never finding this beautiful woman laying next to me.

I know things will be tough at times, she is a hard nut to crack but she will be worth every damn second of it.


I hear a sound coming from the area just before the clearing we are laying in, I hear it again 'crack', it's getting closer, they must be at the edge right before us.

"Alesia get dressed baby" i whisper and I practically throw her clothes at her.

"What's going on?" She says, a look of fear washing over her face.
"I don't know, but please baby get your clothes on just in case"
All of a sudden I hear a slight chuckle coming from and area I can't see into.
"Well, well, Well, what do we have here?" I hear come just beyond the trees where my vision doesn't reach.
"Who's there?" I jump up, my wolf snarles and I get in position in case I'm forced to shift.
"I can smell your girl all the way on the other side of the forest and I want a taste" I can't figure out where the voice is coming from, it's almost as if they keep moving back and fourth between different sections of the woods.

I see someone emerging from behind the trees, and before I know it he's in front of me with my neck between his hands, and I'm unable to get out of his grip I look over towards Alesia, shock on her face, and another man holding her in his grip, sniffing at the leftover blood on her neck, I try to get out of this steel grip but my wolf can't seem to get his hands to budge, before I know it everything goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2020 ⏰

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