🔇The Spy🔇

170 2 5


"......" He continues to remain quiet



Haru is an obviously quiet person, aloof, seemingly serious. He seems to prefer being alone and working independently rather than in a group.  Responding in nothing other than head movements and the bullets from his gun, he doesn't like to waste time. So if you're the kind of person to go off on an unesscary speech, beware that Haru is not willing to listen unless certain circumstances say otherwise. Though he is not mute, he can talk whenever he likes, but it appears no one can convince him to. Maybe if the one finally comes, that may change

Silence, warmth, hugs, guns, daggers, completing missions, doing things efficiently, being able to relax, being alone, sweet and sour things

Wasting time, failing missions, swords, the cold, forced to speak, bitter things, tension, strong fragrant smells

♠Turn on♠
Grinding, praise/degrading, teasing, public sex, roaming hands, groping, lover being verbal

♣Turn off♣
Pain, choking, hardcore bdsm, bodily fluids


♠Extra info♠
-height is 5'7
-He is selectively mute
-practices shooting almost daily
-Wants to get better at close combat
-Gets dizzy/fuzzy upon smelling strong fragrant scents

Scenario 1


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