Amy where are you!

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{hi guys I'm so sorry u had to wait this long but when I was typing this for some reason it erased the saved data when I was typing on the iPad so I kinda found out a few days later when I was about to finish the story but I lost all hope and I thought I was going to die. I cried for 3 days saying I hated this and I won't write again and hoping it was a dream and my save work was there but I had to face reality and I guess I got over it finally. I'm so sorry for the wait and I have been reading all ur comments and advices. Hope u enjoy this chapter!} -Amy BlackBlood
I don't own the Rrbz or ppgz or any characters except for my own OC or made up characters!
Kimeko's POV

When we got home we untransformed and searched around and there was nothing out of place and Amy was not I'm her room. I walked in and sat on her bed "Where are you Amy!?" I sobbed. I saw a picture on the desk, it was a picture of me and her when we where young. We were sneaking out for ice cream and we went to a photo booth to take a picture of us with our ice creams. We got yelled at afterward but it was worth it. Just when I was about to give up something hit my head."Owe" I to find Humm on the ground and she was beaten up. "Humm what happened to you!?" Chu asked as I carefully pick her up. "Amy she is in trouble, guys kidnap..." She lost consciousness. "Chu go get my sisters to meet up at the secret room" I said since she is way faster than me and I need to get Humm to the lab at the base. Once I was there I laid Humm down and my sisters bursts into the room with their spirit animals.

"Miyako hurry Humm is injured!" Miyako ran over and started to tend Humm. The animals were very worried about their friend and when Miyako was finished she told us that she was in very bad condition and needs lots of rest. I wanted to ask Humm to tell us what happened but I don't want to stress her too much.

Kaoru's POV

When I find the person who harmed my sister and my friends I'm going to beat them up till they die. I looked over at the window and I saw a human shadow flew past. "Hey I think someone is spying on us, I saw a shadow by the window" I whispered to my sisters and they looked at the window and saw a few more shadow went past.

"Girls we better be careful ok for now let's get back to our rooms so they won't suspect anything. we will meet up in the morning at the base." Momoko said and headed to her room we did the same. I changed into my pj but while I was doing that I saw on the corner of my eye outside was the shadowy figure. It kinda creeped me out since I'm not sure if it's a human or a ghost. I walked over to my comfy bed and tried to sleep...

-next morning-

Miyako' s POV

~yawn~ I didn't sleep well cause I saw a figure near my window. Since I'm awake earlier then anybody else, I went downstairs to check up on how Humm was doing. She is getting better but she still hasn't woken up yet. I went and changed the bandages and went upstairs to cook breakfast for everyone. The second to wake up was Momoko then Kimeko but for the first time Kaoru was awake and came down the stairs. Such a surprise but maybe cause one of us was missing. The mood in the house had changed, its gloomy and blue. Then the doorbell rang and momoko went to get it. To my surprise it was the guys, bet they want to check up on us. Wait Amy is gone they will suspect something and it's going to cause a commotion!

"Hey ladies how have you been miss us?" The guys came in and sensed the mood in the room. "What's with the mood? Is everything alright? Did something happened?" Boomer asked us worriedly. "And where is Amy?" Asked Bone. I was nervous and almost shaking but Kaoru spoke "S-She went to a training camp so she won't be here for a while." Good job Kaoru. "oh really?" Brick looked at Kaoru suspiciously. "Yeah she did unless you don't believe us officer Brick." Momoko said and Brick backed off "Ok what ever you say Princess". Bone went to do something since Amy wasn't here while I spend time with Boomer.

Kimeko's POV

I can't believe I'm spending time with him when I should be looking for Amy!! I was so mad I just walked around town with him following me. i started walking faster and faster till I started running while he ran after me. After running for a long time I stopped at the park to see if I had listed him but he was close behind. "Feeling better now?" He asked as he panted as I did so too. Tears started to well up in my eyes and I can't hold them back and started crying and sobbing. He hugged me to hide my face. "Let it all out" he said and I don't know how long I cried but I know it was a long time. It was sundown and he walked me back to my house.

{omg I hope u guys like this chapter and please comment and like this and wait for the next chapter. Thanks! R&R!}

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