First day

18 0 2

"Fuck. First day of high school and I'm already running late." I say, tightening my studded belt around my black and red skirt, which matches my hair, black naturally, pairs with my name, Raven, but I dyed the front two strips red just for fun. Luckily, getting dressed was the last thing I had to do before I left. I took my last sip of coffee and ran out the door, almost forgetting to lock it. My mom wasn't home, like usual, she probably slept with some random guy again last night. The bus pulls up just as I reach the end of the street. I hop on board to see all of the upperclassmen, being a freshman is way more fucking intimidating than I thought it would be. I see kids in my grade but, I don't have any friends left, neverless one to sit with. I take the only seat open which is of course the very front seat. I hate having my back to these kids, you never know what they'll do Thats just when some guy behind me taps my shoulder, smirking mischeviously. I turn around and he passes me a note.

"It's from that junior back there" he says as I take it into my hand. I already know what it is, some dumbass note abut my black lipstick or eyeliner. I unfold it and it just says "EMO" I crunch it into a ball and throw it straight at his head yelling to him, "It's not an insult if its true, fucker!" He looks at me, clearly pissed, "You're gonna regret that, freshie." he sneers, I throw him the finger, unbothered. As we get to the school I look at my schedule and locker assignment, "fuck." i mutter as I see that my locker is between two junior boys, all of the guys at my school have no respect for women, this should be fun. I arrive at my locker and neither of my "neighbors" are there yet. Good. It gives me time to put my shit away before I've got them staring at my ass. I'm fucking 4'11". It makes it pretty easy to tell when someone is looking.

"SHIT" I hear a guy say loudly from down the hall. "We've got a freshman girl between us dude." I hear the same boy say as he gets closer. "Maybe she's not so bad." I hear a different one offer. "Bro, they're all fake ass blondes. They're all bad" The first one whines, now coming very close. I turn to my locker to finish shoving my bag in when I see two pairs of shoes stop just as they get to me. "Here we go" I think looking up at them. "She's definitely NOT a blonde." The very tall one with the brown, afro-like hair says. I realize he was one of the people I heard talking. "No shit." the other one, the first one I heard talk from down the hall retorts. He was about 5'9", gorgeous with black, kind of long hair. "I- um- is this your locker?" The black haired one asks. "What does it look like?" I say, annoyed that he even asked the question as I put my items in. " Oh- uh- okay- um- I'm Gerard and this is Ray, our lockers are on each side of you." The black haired, I mean, Gerard replies. Ray gives me a soft smile and a wave, he seems nice. I notice that they're both wearing all black just as I hear the junior from the bus's voice. "Oh hey emo freak!" he shouts to me "I see you've already found the other freaks of the school." His friends laugh while Gerard shoots them a glare and Ray looks down. The junior storms over and shoves me in my locker, shutting the door. "Fuck." I say, leaning my head back. I notice through the slits that Gerard has already pounced on them. Beating the shit out of them somehow, he was great at fighting. Ray comes over to me, "Hey kid, what's your combo?" he says sympathetically "Oh um, 16-43-24" I say. A few seconds later the door swings open, "M'lady" Ray says as he bows his head. I smile, a real smile for the first time in god knows how long. "I never caught your name." Ray explains as Gerard steps back over to us. "Right, it's Raven." I say. Gerard smiles at me "I like it, it's like your hair!" he laughs. "Well first bell should be ringing soon, do you want me to show you to your class?" Gerard asks politely. "Sure." I say stepping to him. "Gee, our homeroom is the other way." Ray comments. "Oh I know, you act like I don't usually skip every class." He says as he grabs my arm and pulls me down the hall. "I think I'll skip too." I decide. Gerard looks at me questioningly "Y'know you don't have to just because I am." 

"Don't flatter yourself, I just really hate biology."

"If you say so. I was gonna go to the courtyard to smoke weed if you want to come."

"Why not."

There we were sitting there smoking for the first half of the day, high as fucking kites. I hadn't realized but Gerard had grabbed my hand. I would have protested but something about him just seems... right. Gerard pulls me close and we kiss, not just a peck because may I remind you, I'm high as fuck. Full on makeout. He grabs my hair into his fist to keep me pulled in, it makes me moan lightly into his mouth and I can feel him smirk. We reluctanly pull away "Gerard I-" I start "Call me Gee" He smiles. Suddenly, Ray comes out "I've been looking everywhere for you, Gee, are you coming to lunch or not?" 

"Yeah." Gerard says hopping up from the steps.

"Holy shit Raven, you're so little I didn't even see you behind Gee" Ray laughs

"Not too little to kick your ass Ray" I quickly reply

"Woah woah pipe down you two" Gee giggles helping me up

"Holy fucking shit Gee!" Ray exclaims taking my face in his hands and looking at me concerned "You got her high? Are you fucking serious? She's a freshman! Look at her eyes!"

Gee looks away, slightly embarrassed. I can already tell Ray is the mom friend.

"No." Ray gasps as he sees the black lipstick smudges on Gerards lips. " What the fuck is wrong with you?" He cries as Gerard nervously runs his hand through his hair. "Did he hurt you?" Ray asks me.

"No, no of course not Ray. I'm okay, I promise. It's not like I haven't smoked before."

Ray notices my messed up hair too, shocked "You- you two..." his face paling as he runs towards Gerard "How could you be so irresponsible Gee! You were supposed to walk her to her fucking class and you couldn't even manage that!" 

"It's not like that." Gerard mumbles

I realize what Ray thought we did. "Oh shit Ray! No we just kissed. It's alright."

Ray's face seems to regain color. "Still not cool" he remarks.

"We should get to lunch so Raven can meet Mikey and Frank." Gee says

"Your right" Ray states as he starts toward the cafeteria.

Gee grabs my hand and follows Ray, wiping the last of my lipstick from his lips with his free hand.


hey so this is my first wattpad story on this account, idk if its going to be good but i'll try!



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