To Live Again

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To hide from him is to hide form life.

To talk to him is agonizing joy.

To trust him is to break her own heart.

To love him is to allow him to control her life.

To leave him is as painful as suicide.

To look at him is unbearable pain and unspeakable beauty.

To see him with someone new - to see him smile at her, hold her, be with her - is the most painful betrayal she's ever felt, but to know he's happy is the most comforting reality she can imagine.

To know she isn't good enough and can't make him happy herself is like the twisting of a knife in an old wound that reopens every time she sees them.

To know he will never be hers again is like watching the sun set over the horizon, knowing it will never rise again.

To see him smile is to set her whole world to right.

To hear him laugh is like unimaginable, exotic music to the ears of a musician who has been without beautiful music for too long.

To let him go is to lose a part of herself forever, for it was long ago surrendered to him.

To live without him is to live without ever being whole again and is exactly what she must do to ever truly live again.

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