Accidental Kisses (Gruffi x Gusto) (Rated: Teen)

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Summary: Gusto accidentally kisses Gruffi, and it all goes uphill from there.  Rated Teen due to some suggested mature content. 

"That was brilliant, Gruffi!" Gusto threw his arms around his friend, and pulled him close, intending to brush their cheeks together. The brown bear turned his head at the last moment, and their lips pressed together instead. Gusto quickly pulled back, mistaking the stunned expression on his friend's face for distress. "I'm sorry, Gruffi. I-I didn't mean to kiss you without asking first."

"Huh?" Gruffi shook his head, his lips tingling from the press of the artist's soft lips against his own. "So, hypothetically speaking, if you had asked, and I had said yes..?"

Gusto blinked in amazement, before a sly grin spread over his lips. "Well, in that case – hypothetically speaking, I would have given you a much better kiss than that." The blue bear took a step closer, using his slightly taller height to press the other bear against a tree. "After all, I've been flirting with you for a while now."

"You have?" the handyman gulped, his cheeks flushing red in the setting sunlight. "Wait, how long have you been flirting with me?"

"Since we were on the island," Gusto admitted, his free hand on his own hip, as the other pressed against the tree behind Gruffi's head.

"The island? That was over a year ago," Gruffi argued.

"It's my hat, isn't it? You don't like it," Gusto said, echoing the words he'd used back on the island.

"That was flirting?"

"Come on, GruffGruff. We had a teen in our midst. I couldn't exactly come out and ask you to pose for me – au naturel," the artist purred.

"Gusto!" Gruffi gasped, his cheeks ablaze.

The taller bear began to laugh, running his free hand through his lock of blue hair. "Sorry, Gruffi. You're adorable." He leaned forward, and pressed the lightest of kisses to the other bear's nose.

The handyman huffed loudly. "This is what I get for falling for an artist."

Gusto froze, drawing in a shocked breath. "Come again?"

It was Gruffi's turn to look smug as he grasped the artist by the waist, and pulled him closer. "You heard what I said. Come here, you." The rest of Gusto's words were swallowed up as Gruffi kissed him soundly.

"What's this?" Igthorn wondered aloud, eyeing the fabric that was randomly draped over several gummi berry bushes. "Could it be...?"

"Could it be what, Dukey?" Toadwart asked, stepping up next to him.

Igthorn stood up straight, pointing into the air. "Gummi bears! There must be a stream nearby. We'll catch then while they're swimming."

"Good idea, oh intuitive one," said the littlest ogre, clapping his hands together.

"Shuuu... Not so loud, you dolt. You and the other ogres be ready to strike on my command," Igthorn whispered, sneaking closer to the bushes. He parted the leaves, and peeked through. There was a long pause, and then Duke Igthorn slowly withdrew, turning to face the ogres with a gobsmacked expression on his face.

"Now, Dukey?" Toadwart asked.

"I've changed my mind," said Igthorn, waving the ogres away from the bushes. "We won't be catching gummi bears today."

Toadwart scratched his head. "But why not? Gummi bears are right through those bushes."

"They're busy, and that's all I'm going to say. Let's go," Duke Igthorn snarled, stomping back toward the road with Gad and Zook trailing after him.

"Hmmm... What Dukey see that change his mind? Toady take a little peek." The diminutive green ogre slipped back to the bushes, and stuck his head through the leaves. He spotted the gummies instantly. The brown one had the blue one pinned to the ground, and they were... Oh. Toadwart pulled his head back, a bright crimson flush lighting up his green cheeks. "Why can't poor Toady be as lucky in love as gummi bears?" the ogre mumbled to himself. With his thoughts now on his beloved Dukey, he rushed to rejoin the group.

"Did you hear something?" Gruffi asked, pushing himself up to glance around the clearing.

"Awww... you're hearing things, Gruffamundo." Two blue hands reached up to wrap around his bare neck. "Now come back down here, and finish what you started."

Gruffi gulped loudly, his heart racing in his chest as he took in the rather disheveled artist beneath him. "We're... um, we're rather exposed out here."

"We are," Gusto agreed pleasantly.

"What say we head back to your place. It's getting a little chilly," Gruffi suggested, reluctantly getting to his feet. "How did our clothes get way up there?"

Gusto chuckled as he rolled onto his knees, and pushed himself up, making sure to wiggle his hips as he did so. A sly glance to the side revealed that the other bear had definitely noticed. "Guess we were a bit more amorous than we thought."

"What if humans had seen us?" the handyman asked, tugging at the clothing he could reach. He tossed the brown tunic, and red scarf to Gusto, before eyeing his own tunic that was just out of reach.

"Let me get that for you, Gruffarooni," said the artist, pressing close to Gruffi's back as he snagged the shorter bear's clothing from the bushes.

"Oh no you don't," Gruffi protested, quickly stepping away. He turned to the artist with a determined frown on his face. "It was your flirting that got us into this mess. You might have spent 12 years on a deserted island, doing who knows what, but I'm a proper gummi."

Gusto's heart sank. This was it. Gruffi was going to turn him down. He just got caught up in the moment, and now he was going to tell Gusto that the whole thing has been a mistake!

"If we're going to... to, um, to do the mating thing..." The handyman's cheeks reddened, and his fingers twitched awkwardly.

Gusto perked up a bit, waiting with baited breath for the muscular bear to continue.

"Ahem, that is to say..." Gruffi took in a breath, and let out a deep sigh. "I'm not good at this," he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Against my better judgement, I like you, you crazy artist. So I... I'd like to see where this relationship goes."

Gusto let out a squeal as Gruffi held out a hand to him, noting the adorably bashful look on the older bear's face. "Oh, Gruffi. Don't apologize. I like you, too, remember." He quickly took the other bear's hand, and squeezed it. "Now, let's get you back to my place. If you're up for it, well..." Gusto leaned close, and whispered in his lover's ear, "I'd like to see you au naturel again."

"What did I do to deserve this?" Gruffi groaned, but a shy smile on his lips took the bite out of his words.

"You rescued me from certain doom, which makes you my knight in gummi armor!" Gusto laughed, racing ahead as he pulled the brown bear along.

"Whatever you say, princess," Gruffi shot back.

"Hey, you know princesses are stronger than they look. And besides, I'd look great in a dress," Gusto insisted. They disappeared into a quick tunnel, and the forest was silent once more.

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