For Who the Spell Holds (Gruffi x Gusto)

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S2, Ep6: For Who the Spell Holds

Idea: Gruffi gets stuck in the invisible barrier, and Gusto walks in. Also, pretending this episode came after they rescued Gusto from the island in (S2, E12).

"So, we can get in, but Gruffi can't get out?" Gusto clarified, eyeing the other gummi bear standing a foot away from him. It didn't look like there was a barrier spell around him, but Gruffi was clearly trapped in that small space, unable to escape.

"Yep," said Zummi. "I just need to find a counter spell..."

"Hey, mind looking at that wall for a minute, ZumZum?" asked the artist, pushing the elderly bear lightly away from the barrier.

"Well, I suppose. What am I looking for?" Zummi asked, peering closely at the wall Gusto had pointed out.

Gusto turned around to see Gruffi staring at him with a raised eyebrow. "Don't even think about it..." the handyman began to say, before the blue bear surged through the barrier, and swept him into his arms.


"Whoa..." Gruffi's head was spinning when the artist released him and stepped back, making his way quickly to the door.

"See you later, handsome!"

"Get back here, you – you TEASE!" Gruffi yelled, shaking his fist at the now empty doorway.

"Oh my. You boys certainly enjoy each other's company," chuckled Zummi.

"Yeah, yeah. Now can you find a way to drop this shield, so I can catch up with him," the handyman grumbled, sitting down on the floor with a huff.

"Ah, to be young and in love again," sighed Zummi, humming as he turned the pages of the great book.

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