Chapter 14: The Plan

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“That’s a wrap,” the Shake It Up! director called as the crew shot the final scene for the day.

Bella shook herself off, sore from dancing all day and walked to her dressing room in the studio. Once there, she quickly gathered her things and left the studio for the day. She met up with Zendaya outside where she was standing there waiting for her friend. She smiled when she saw Bella. “Ready to go?” she asked

“Definitely. I just want to go home, get into some comfy clothes, and watch some TV. Wanna come over?” Bella said.

Zendaya nodded. “Can I stay for the night, too?”

“Of course you can stay over.” Bella replied.

The two of them got into Bella’s mom’s car and drove off. The car ride was silent except for the sound of the radio, which was blasting something by Katy Perry. Once they were at the Thorne residence, they got out and went up to Bella’s room. They set their stuff down and flipped on the TV, half watching it and half talking.

“So, anything new happen in the IM5 house?” Zendaya asked.

“Not that I know of,” Bella replied.

Zendaya sat up. “You know what I heard? I heard that Valerie and Cole went to Universal Studios together… alone.”

Bella’s eyes widened. “They did?”

Zendaya’s eyebrows scrunched. “You didn’t know?”

Bella shook her head. “How did you know this?”

“Twitter,” Zendaya answered. “Cole posted pictures of him and Valerie there. Apparently they played that game where you go up behind someone and started dancing, then walk away.”

Bella groaned. “It's called the Ellen Dance Dare. And seriously, I hate her. Why did she have to come into their lives and ruin everything?”

“Well not everything is ruined.” Zendaya said. “For one thing, haven’t you noticed how she and Dalton are around each other?”

Bella was silent. “Well, I do now that you mention it…” she said quietly.

“Exactly. Maybe they like each other. So really, you haven’t really lost Cole completely.”

“I guess…” Bella said. “But we’re forgetting one thing; Dalton and Madison are together, and it doesn’t look like they’d break up anytime soon. Besides, I wouldn’t want to get in between them. Madison is too nice for anyone to do that to.”

Suddenly, the program on TV was cut by a commercial.

“This is a message from the Oakland Police Department in Oakland, California in the United States of America,” a man’s voice said on the TV. “On Sunday, July 15th, a fifteen year old girl took the wrong plane from Dallas, Texas and her parents don’t know where she is. If you see her,” a picture of a girl with dark brown hair, brown eyes lined with eyeliner, and a smile popped onto the screen, “Please call the number on the screen.” Then the message was over.

Zendaya scanned the girl on the screen closely, then her eyes widened. “Hey Bella, isn't that Valerie?"

Bella’s head shot up when Zendaya said that and her eyes focused onto the TV screen. Sure enough, a picture of Valerie was there with her name as well; Valerie Rebecca Radke. A number was also at the bottom of the screen with her picture. Bella took her iPhone out and quickly took a picture of the number.

“Finally, some information on her!” Bella exclaimed. She looked at the picture and memorized the number, then dialed it.

“Oakland City Police Department, what’s your emergency?” an officer answered.

“I know where that Valerie Radke girl is.” Bella said.

“Alright, what’s your information on her?”

“She’s staying with some of my friends here in Los Angeles.” Bella answered.

“What’s the address?”

Bella gave out the boys’ address and a few other details. When she hung up with the police, she smiled.

“What was that about?” Zendaya asked.

“Getting rid of Valerie,”


Whoa! So would getting rid of Valerie be a good thing or a bad thing? Questions, questions...

Picture of Bella and Zendaya on the right. ^-^

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-Zaira <3

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