Chapter One pt2: Remember

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Reader Pov

Kennedy: It wasn't always like this you know.

Y/n: yeah I know but it's hard everyone always dies and now it's just the five of us.

Kennedy: I know it's hard but we do all we can.

Y/n: I just wish it wasn't like this.

Kennedy: we gotta get moving in the morning Kamerens having a hard time moving still with that bullet in his leg

Y/n: true I'm gonna go talk to Jeremiah and Don.

Kennedy: ok make sure to watch your back never know when these fuckers will strike and as it is we're damn near defenseless.

I make my way over to Don and Jeremiah and see them messing with a deck of cards

Y/n: so... what are you guys doing.

Jeremiah: there you are I was about to go and get you we're gonna play truth or dare.

Y/n: with cards?

Don: That's what I said.

Y/n: I love it.

Don: and that's not what i said.

Y/n: and I didn't ask about what you said.

Jeremiah: 😂 you've got him there

Don: 🖕

Y/n: fuck you too and before you say anything Jeremiah. no fucking homo

Jeremiah: how...

Y/n: did I know? Because you always do that shit.

Jeremiah: True.

Don: alright already let's just play the damn game

I draw the lowest card and Don draws the highest.

Y/n: Dare

Don: alright I dare you to shut the fuck up for five minutes



We continue playing and I draw the highest card and Jeremiah draws the lowest

Jeremiah: truth.

Y/n: .....

Don: are you gonna ask.

Jeremiah: I think he still can't talk for another three minutes.

Don: are you fucking serious?

Jeremiah: well those are the rules it was your dare.

Don: Damn

We wait another three minutes and then I go to ask the question

Y/n: did you actually kiss the walker when Don dared you to last game?

Jeremiah: ....maybe

Y/n and Don: 😂

Jeremiah: fuck off

Just then we hear a gun shot and a yell two people walk towards the tent we're in and I hide my Colt Python in my back pocket tucked under my shirt they pointed assault rifles at us and told us to move they lined us up and put zip ties on our wrists I look around and notice that the two holding us up are a man and a woman and that Kameren wasn't with us and Kennedy was shot in the leg the woman turns around and Kennedy pulls out his revolver and shoots the man in the stomach the Woman turns and shoots Kennedy in the chest and I run over to him Kennedy was like a father to me

Y/n: no Kennedy no no no

Kennedy: I knew this day would come end of the line for me here take my revolver its identical to the one a gave you last year

Kennedy then dies and you manage to get the knife out of your boot to cut your zip tie the girl goes to shoot you and you roll out of the way before shooting he in the hip you yell at Jeremiah and Don to run and meet up at Kameren as you all take off in different directions to escape the man turns and shoots you in the back causing you to fall and you start to get dragged away by the man and woman yelling at them to get the fuck off you

Louis Pov

I walked outside hoping to talk to the new guy only to see that he's asleep on the couch he starts yelling and I hurried over to check on him

Reader Pov

I opened my eyes still yelling and see Louis shaking my shoulder to wake me up

Louis: holy shit dude are you ok?

Y/n: yeah I'm fine just having a nightmare.

Louis: you sure you're ok?

Y/n: yeah I'm fine.

Louis: ok good wouldn't want you rating the couch any lower than a four star review.

I chuckle slightly

Y/n: you really know how to chear up the mood.

Louis: why thank you sir.

Y/n: that is a terrible British accent.

Louis: wow I'm hurt.

He holds his hand over his heart to show just how hurt he is

Y/n: yeah sure you are so what's up.

Louis: well me and Ruby are watching the kid wanna join?

Y/n: sure. why the hell not?

Louis: well then right this way sir.

We walk over to the music room where they have the kid and I attempt to talk to him

Y/n: so... how are you holding up.

Afro Boy: ......

Y/n: not much of a talker huh.

Afro Boy: ......

Louis: Imma play piano.

Louis plays piano for a few minutes and Afro Boy smiles slightly you go over and put your hand on his shoulder only to be met with a mean elbow to the balls.

You just wheeze

Y/n: why....

You walk out of the room still holding your balls Marlon walks over and asks what's wrong

Y/n: I got elbowed in my shit.

Marlon: wow sucks to be you.

Y/n: you have no idea.

Marlon: well Tenns gonna go check on the girl you can go with him if you want.

Y/n: sure I'll go with him.

A/n: and that's the end of the chapter hope you enjoyed next one should be out tomorrow or the day after.

"ON HOLD" Twd Ghost Of the Lost (Male reader x Clementine)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat