golden film

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This year ill be turning 17
I only have less then a few years to spent with my family
I want to make it worth it
So everyday when i wake up i force myself out of bed and spend the day with them
I hold back my teenage attitude and snide comments and i smile
I tell my mom how much i love her and clean the house for her
I hug her every chance i get
I may be a teenager
An early adult
But as long as i live in this house hold im going to try and and act as young as i can
Because soon i know ill have to act like a boring adult
So for now ill treasure these moments

Every day ill wake up
Ill stumble into the living room
Ill make myself breakfast
Ill sit on the couch and watch cartoons and ill wait until everyone sits down with me
We'll each sit in our assigned seats on the couches because every family has that one seat they always sit on
We'll argue over what to watch
Knowing my family
Its probably has something to do with aliens or the war
Then we'll all watch it
Me and my brother commenting
here and there
Making meme references and just being plain crackheads
Our parents will be sitting on the other couch telling us to shut up but secretly trying to stop themselves from laughing
And our dogs will be laying on the floor on the carpet snoozing away

And as we all sit there and laugh
Ill look over to my family
Ill see the sunsets light cast a nice golden glow over everyone
My mom
My dad
My brother
My two dogs
And ill stop and smile
And ill think
"What movie should we watch next?"

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