Fuck off

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"What the fuck" Zoe yelled. "How is he hearing our conversations" Will yelled. "This isn't happening" I yelled. "Look let's just calm down" Logan said. "Yeah well we tried to calm down last time and look what happened" Will yelled. "Well Terry didn't calm down and look where that got him" Logan snapped. "Do not bring my Bestfriend into this" Will yelled. "Alright Damon and Stephen take it down a notch" Zoe snapped. "Let's just think about this okay" I said. Just as I was thinking about what to say we heard banging on the door. We all slowly walked to the door. I opened it but saw no one. There was a small box with a ribbon on it and a note "happy 18th birthday Lo" it said. I opened the box and it was a bloody knife. I dropped it then looked at everyone else. Since no one wanted to be alone we decided to have partners. Logan stayed with me and Will
Stayed with Zoe. Two weeks went by and we didn't hear anything from piggy. I almost thought everything was going to be okay. It was 1:30 in the morning. Logan was asleep next to me. My phone was ringing. I picked it up with out looking. "Hello". "Hello slut" I knew that voice. "What do you want" I said slowly. "I hope mommy knows you love her because now she's dead" he laughed and right as he said that I heard something get sliced. No. I jumped out of bed while yelling and I ran right into my moms room only to see her throat slashed. No no no. "Mom" I cried while trying to stop the bleeding. Logan ran in the room next. "Oh god" he said. Before I knew it he was calling 911. The police arrived quickly. But she was already dead. They said it looked like a suicide because only she could cut her throat that way. But I knew the truth. All 4 of us do.

My dad was at work when it happened. He didn't kill my dad but he might as well have because the moment by mom died my dad did as well. I couldn't be in that house so I stayed with Zoe. We all did. "I can't live in fear" I said. "What are we supposed to do" Logan asked. "I think he wants me" I said. "No Lola we're not going through this again. "Why else would he be doing this" I asked. "I don't know but I'm not sending you into some killers arms"
Logan yelled. We didn't have time to fight about this because it was time for school. Zoe and Will were already downstairs eating. Zoe drove to school and no one said anything. I tried to pay attention in class but it just wasn't happening. I raised my hand and asked to go to the nurse. I just needed to smoke. I began walking to the back of the school. Once I was out the back door I started walking to my smoking corner but someone stopped me. "Hey I think you dropped this" someone said. I looked up to see a boy with black hair and green eyes holding my juul. He was dressed in a black adidas hoodie and jeans. "Thanks" I said then took it from him. He began walking away then I asked "why were you back here". "Same as you" he said then held up a gram of weed. I laughed then he did. "You can stay if you want" I said. "Bet" he said then sat down. We both began smoking and he said "Zach". "Lola". We talked about random shit like our birthdays and our favorite colors. Before we could talk about more boring shit the bell rang. "Thank god it's lunch I'm starving" he said then stood up. "Where are you going" I asked. "Going find somewhere quiet to mind my business" he said. "Well if you wanna eat with me and my people you can" I said. He agreed and we walked back into school. Zoe and Will and some other girl were sitting at the table. Zach and I sat down and I looked at the other girl "I met you at my party right" I asked. "Yeah I'm Danielle" she said with a smile she had black hair and big green eyes. Her and Zach looked oddly similar but before I could say it Zach read my mind "we're twins" he said. "Wow" Zoe said. Just then Logan sat down next to me.

"Hi" he said then kissed me. "Hi" I said after our kiss. "Wassup guys I'm Logan" he said to Danielle and Zach. "Hey" the twins said at the same time. After lunch we all parted ways and went to our classes. I sat down in biology with Will and started taking notes. Just then I got a message.

"Yay two more people to kill" - piggy

I showed Will and his eyes widened. I decided to make a group chat then I sent it. Within seconds Logan and Zoe replied. "Fuck" they both texted back. "There like Siamese twins with the same brain" Will said while reading the message. The rest of school went by like normal. Well as normal as it could be considering piggy number two is stalking us.After school we all went back to Zoe's house. "We need to tell the cops" Logan said. "No ones going to believe us" Zoey said. "We can show them the message and they can track this asshole down". Logan said. "Slow down pretty little liar" Will said. "We can't tell the cops if we do he'll go on a killing spree" I said. "He's already killing people off" Logan said. "It'll only get worse if we snitch" I said. Before we could talk about it anymore Zach texted me.

"Wanna hang out by the lake There's a party"

"Can't I'm with my friends already"

"So bring them"

"Do y'all wanna go to the lake" I asked. "Why would we want to" Logan asked. "Zach said there's a party and I wanna escape for a little while" I said. "You gave him your number" Logan asked. "Yeah" I said. He looked at me but didn't say anything else. "I wanna go" Will said. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to end the silence. "Same" Zoe agreed. "Cool"
Logan said. 10 minutes we were pulling up to the lake. There was about 30 people at the lake already. Some where drinking and some were swimming. "Hey" Zach said then hugged me. Logan suddenly grabbed my hand. "Hey" I said. Logan looked at Zach but said nothing. "You okay man" Zach asked. "I'm fine I just need a drink come on Lola" he said. We walked to a table and this random girl poured vodka into our cups for us. After talking to a few people we all sat down by a fire. "I'm glad y'all came" Danielle said. "As soon as Zach found out about the party I told him text Lola I figured it would be less awkward if he did it since they already hung out" she said. "When did you two hang out" Logan asked. "We smoked together" Zach said. "You smoked together" Logan asked me with wide eyes. "Yeah" I said. "When" he asked. "We were both skipping" Zach said. "I thought you didn't do that anymore" Logan asked me. "I was stressed and it was a one time thing" I said. "Yeah I've heard that before" Logan said then took a sip of his drink. "I need to go for a walk" Logan said. "Okay bye" I said. He rolled his eyes then walked away. He's pissing me the fuck off he needs to stop acting like he's my dad. "Zoe maybe you and I should just umm fuck off" Will said. "Let's go" Zoe said then left. "Me too" I said then got up and began walking away.

I didn't know where I was going I just knew I needed to go.

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