Ussr x usa

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America's pov

The way the cold metal almost felt attached to my bare hands helped. I twisted and arched my body to the way I wanted. My hands grabbed to the shining pole as I gave my best- just to relax and get my mind to rest. I twist and twirl- loving the way the fabric behind me swirled.

Thanks Phil, she got me this outfit when I told her I did this for fun. Not many people understand- they think I'm a stripped when I tell them.

The lights shimmer brightly into my eyes making me having to close them. I spun and flipped around the place just loving the feeling it sent me.

(I'm aware that that's a female- use your imagination and pretend it's ame)

As my back was arched and my left arm hanging to the pole I heard the click of the metal band on my finger click to the metal rod.

I opened my eyes and I was going to examine the ring my husband got me only to see a sight that shocked me. I dropped to the ground in a panic.

Soviet stood there tall. Why is he here, how long has he been their for.

"You fucking scared me!" I yelled as I laid flat on the ground with my hand over my beating heart.

"I did knock" he replied in that thick, sweet Slavic accent. I sat up a bit and looked at him. "H-how long have you been there for?" I questioned half embarrassed.
"Long enough to see an...-" he paused to think of the word.


I dropped my arms and fell to the ground regretting my life decisions. I heard his boots tap against the wooden floor and the sound of him sitting beside me. I sighed. "I thoughts you had some crappy capitalist shit to do" he joked.

I looked at him and he chuckled. "I really did like the show, love" he spoke. That made me smile.

"Really!?" I beamed in excitement, sitting up from the adrenaline being pumped through my veins. He hummed.

"Why did you not tell me" he inquired.
"I-I didn't think you'd accept i-it" I stumbled out.

I looked away only for my chin to be pulled back in his direction.

"You should do it more often~" he mumbled as we locked eyes. I smiled as his signature goofy smirk was plastered across his face. "I love you" I said in response.

"And I too" he replied as he slowly moved his head forwards- closing the gap between us. Our lips pressed together into a perfect kiss.

"Ewww- cooties. I heard the sweet little voice of Belarus from behind us. Little kids- am I right?

I hope you enjoyed, just so you know I have multiple different head cannons for different scenarios.

Enjoy the rest of your night/evening/midday/morning

Discontinued || COUNTRYHUMANS smut, fluff, oneshots ect. ||closedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang