got tagged

35 1 13

i knew this would happen sooner or later

1. person who tagged me


2. do it in less than 3 days

im not sure how long this took but oh well

3. 10 interesting facts about yourself

• Used to have a heart illness, 'tis all better

• I hadn't read a fanfic before joining CountryHumans

• I adore cute stuff, my room is practically the definition of pastel lolita vibes

• Asexual af B)

• I paint sometimes as a pass time

• in gifted classes B)

• I hate showing my face through a camera for whatever reason

• I binge avatar a lot. Aang x Katara is cute-

• i ship blood cells

• I'm not athletic at all

4. tag some people

agh wattpad isn't working too well for me right now, it won't appear as though im tagging anyone-

thats not an excuse i swear-

5. funny title for the tag

no u

6. tell a joke

ill tell you guys the worst joke i have

two rocks walk into a back alley and smoke a lotta pot. they both told each other "im stoned" 


7. spoil something about your book(s)

im discontinuing bad happenings so no point in spoiling anything about that, so i'll tell you guys an early concept for a new book. totally not inspired by avatar or anything

a charismatic and cheerful guy runs into a tribe while exploring with a few friends. the tribe takes them hostage as a precaution and there the guy meets the other main character, a calm and sarcastic female. more stuff happens and the friends somehow disappear from the story

anyways thats it, thanks for reading.

quick note; on ibis paint it says i just spent 20 hours on a drawing i think ive gone mental

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