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Tatiana Meily or Sassy or Crystal (That's what she prefers to be called) looked on at the dimension that she had created. Her fingertips still tingled with magic. Tatiana felt lightheaded and so extremely happy. Her childhood dream had a large possibility of coming true. Now she had to rest. Tatiana or Crystal needed to restore her magical energy.
     One hour later

Crystal went to a high point of the small dimension that she had made. It was a large ledge about 15 feet off the ground. Crystal turned her palms up to gather the elements energy. Her hair, which was naturally 3 feet long, swirled around her in majestic forms.
Crystal had five powers. The first was that she can control the five elements. Fire, water, wind, earth, and ice. The second was that she could go into books, movies and other things. Like literally go in. Also to the going into Books power went to the ability of taking characters out. When she took some characters out, the time in their story stopped. Her third power was that she could control her hair. With a small mind command, she could get a strand or the whole thing to grow to the length of Rapunzel's hair and shrink back to small bangs. She could get her hair to grasp utensils and Feed her. Now she was forming portals to all of her favorite movies and stories. Her hair slowly started to grow thicker and spread around the clearing forming a pulsing magic wall. Crystal knew that very few characters would want to stay and not run away. Like the villains... Brrrrrrrrr...
OK back to the story. 17 glowing orbs of light grew into portals, surrounding Crystal in a semi circle. Out of the first portal,  Alex and Connor Bailey, Bree Campbell, Froggy, Jack, Goldilocks, Red  and other character friends fell out. Alex Bailey, a girl with strawberry blonde hair, held up her crystal want in a defensive position, while observing the portals. Her gaze landed on the concentrated, spouting magic, Crystal, and her eyes lit up with recognition. Not breaking her concentration Crystal nodded with a smile at her friend. Alex hurried back to her brother and friends. Very fast, Alex told them that they were safe and the "Creepy Girl" with all the hair was a friend. The panic stopped around the characters from  The Land Of Stories. While Alex was explaining, the second portal burst.
Dragons, Vikings, screams around the portal. In front of this mess were seven teens. A girl with a blonde, messy braid, a boy with almond hair, twins with blond hair, one boy, one girl a short guy with black hair, that was making a snarky comment, a big guy with a teeny weenie helmet, and a girl with green eyes and raven black hair. In other words Astrid, Hiccup, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs and Heather. Heather held her famous double axe. Astrid and Heather had their axes out, ready to strike. The peeps from TLOS that weilded magic or weapons took up defensive stances. Then as it had happened with Alex, Heather, Astrid and Crystal exchanged an nod in the Viking girls went to inform their friends and families that the weird person was a friend. Weapons were lowered and some peace restored. One of Crystal's favorite stories was next.
The portal burst. Connor in a nightcap and PJs cuddling with Briggan fell out of the portal first. Abeke and Uraza landed #superherolanding, bow and claws ready, on the hunt. Meilin, who was  training at that moment and Rollan, who was telling her one of his best jokes. Meilin, who didn't like surprises, didn't react very fast and landed on Rollan. Their faces were inches apart. Rollan whispered in her ear " If I'd known that we would end up this close, I would've brushed my teeth." Meilin blushed hard, and rolled of of the boy. (Eeeeeeee! I ship them sooo hard!)                   As soon as she regained her footing, she took her sword out, eyeing the other characters dangerously, but didn't attack. Rollan, on the other hand pulled a dagger from his boot and charged the TLOS characters. He was met by a magic force field, mid blow. He challenged the two Viking girls, Heather and Astrid, thinking they would be weak. Poor, poor, Rollan. The girls had Meiln's grace and fighting skills. Soon, they had him down without any injuries. He was about to get 2 though. From those large axes. Meilin exchanged a look with Crystal. Not tearing her eyes from the remaining portals, Crystal loudly told the 3. "A, H, Let Rollan go. He's a friend." Astrid and Heather rolled their eyes. "Rollan, their friends, go back to your spot... NOW!" Rollan grumpily walked back to his friends. "Who is she to tell me what to do?" Crystal heard him. "I'll explain later." Rollan, not expecting a response tripped over a rock. He fell on Jhi, who was just summoned out of passive state by Meilin. "Thank you m'lady Panda!"

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