Untitled Part 4

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Alicia, Gwen, Tansy, Harris, and Dane whoshed out of this portal. Gwen face planted onto the ground! "This is a crisis!!!!! I desperatly need a cake pop!!!" she yelled. Then Gwen lifted her face of the ground. Her breath caught in her throught as she squeeled. Tansy spoke for her "Da whole gang is here!!!!!" Dane and Ali spoke in sinc, "Good thing we brought extra Pops." They turned to each other scarlet red while Alex, Heather, Astrid, Punzie, Mer, Alix, Alya, Anna, Sabrina, Daphne, Moana, Gwen, Tansy,Crystal and others I might have forgoten squeeeled "DALIIIIIIIIIIII" Okay, omg you guys are all finally here!!!! Crystal sent a telepathic message to Alex, Heather, Astrid, Punzie, Mer, Alix, Alya, Anna, Sabrina, Daphne, Moana, Gwen andTansy they sent stuff like = Me tooo!, Ikr?! and you know, that kind of stuff. 

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