027 // the bathroom kidz

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Size does not matter

you bum,, i'm not even talking abt that type of size



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group chat; the bathroom kidz [mighty on fire, green #2 and princess poosh]

green #2
who made this chat?

i'm concerned

mighty on fire
I am concerned as well

princess poosh
don't be a cry baby all ur life

green #2
also, these names make me uncomfortable

princess poosh
i'm not even lying when i say this izuku,, but you need to man up

mighty on fire
Agreed ^

princess poosh
and you're not even helping sho-chan

mighty on fire
Don't call me that

princess poosh
see now you're complaining too

tch,, boys nowadays

green #2
my feelings are hurt y/n

i'm going to cry

mighty on fire
I feel bad for the girl who has to date you

green #2
but what if it's not a girl?

mighty on fire
I feel bad for the robot who has to date you

green #2

well, how are you doing best friend?

princess poosh
oh me?



my brother's friends are so weird

and i seen this video of this short guy play volleyball & he's pretty good

he reminds me of u,, izu

green #2
ooooo really?!

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