♧Chapter 1♧

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Joker pov~

I studied the hospital in front of me. It was nice, clean windows, granite walls, beautiful statues. To bad they would all be rubble in about ten seconds. I skipped away holding the tiny detonator in my slim fingers.




I pressed the button and my ears were filled with the sounds of screams of agony and terror.

I giggled and started to skip and twirl down the street.

"Sir! Um sir!"

"What?!" I snapped stopping and turning to face one of my goons. Who did he think he was ruining my good mood.

"U-uh your father h-he wants you back at the warehouse.." He stammered.

My blood ran cold, "why is my father here.."

"He said he had a surprise for your seventeenth birthday." He finished shifting from foot to foot.

"When." I asked stiffly.

"R-right now..sir."

My eyes darkened, "thankyou for telling me. You're fired."

"Wh-what?" He asked his face contorting in terror.

I whipped out my gun and shot him in between the eyes. He crumpled to the ground blood pooling around him. I started to walk towards the warehouse I was currently hiding out in. With each step my foot started to tremble just a little bit more.

I stopped in front of a shop window staring at myself. My makeup was smudged here and there but otherwise pretty good. Most consider me handsome even with the makeup on. I had a strong Jawline, smooth wavy hair (even if it was green.) and a perfect nose. I didn't see it, all I saw were my imperfections. Like the color of my eyes, they were a nasty Acid green. And my slightly skinny frame, I wasn't scrawny but I was close to it. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and kept walking not able to look at myself any longer.

People hide away ugly things, like that old vase your mother gave you that you didn't have the heart to tell her you didn't like. Or maybe that dress that your friends picked out for you that just isn't your style and is now in the very back of your closet. Which is why I hide under my make-up. I painted on a smile because I was sick of seeing mine. I can hide under my make-up, without it people know how im feeling. They assume im normal, and trust me im far from it.

I was shaken out of my twisted thoughts as the shadow of the warehouse loomed over me.

I took a deep shuddering breath before opening the door.

"Jack my boy! Come over and give your dad a hug."

"Don't call me that.." I said trying to sound confident but terror was laced through my every word.

"I hope you aren't talking back."

"No sir.." I squeaked my voice quivering. He was the only person that could truly terrify me with just a few words.

"Wanna know what your birthday suprise is?" He growled walking closer to me.

I closed my eyes and trembled dread coursing through my veins.

He grabbed me by the collar and pulled me closer to him, "let me show you.."

I whimpered and prepared myself for what would come next.


I ran out of the warehouse tears streaming down my face. Everything hurt, I felt so disgusting and dirty.

I ran through the streets of Gotham not caring if people saw me, I just needed to get as far away from that warehouse as possible.

I finally stopped at an abandoned park not being able to run any farther. I collapsed on a metal bench wincing as I did so. I pulled my knees up to my chest staring blankly at the ground.

Batman pov~

I walked into the abandoned park ready for a sneak attack. I had been informed that Joker was spotted here so I figured it wouldn't hurt to check it out.

I stalked through the park until I saw a figure sitting on a park bench with there knees pulled up to their chest and their arms around themselves tightly.

"Joker. Stand with your hands up." I growled almost bored, I had been through this before..many many times.

He neither moved or responded. It was only then I realized the state that he was in. His purple hoodie was inside out, the fly on his black jeans was down and his green hair was sticking up all over the place. Bruises were littering his face and there were a few scratches on his hands.

"What the hell happened to you?" I asked appalled.

He shuddered but stayed silent. I sat down next to him and he scooted away wincing as he did so.

I was unnerved to say the least, he always had that stupid smile on his face but now he looked..broken. Void of any emotion.

Thats when it clicked for me, the unzipped fly, matted hair,smudged make-up, winces when he moves..

"Holy shit..where you raped?" I instantly regretted being so blunt.

His head snapped towards me and he started to tremble. "M-mind your own dam business bats." He stammered. Since when does the Joker stammer?

"No. Your coming to the police station with me." I reached over to grab his arm. He flinched so hard he fell off the bench, "Don't fucking touch me bats, don't you fucking dare!"

I sighed, "cmon I have to report this!"

"Why? So I can be thrown in Arkham right after? No thanks!" He hissed.

"At least tell me who did it!" I snapped. To my surprise and utter horror his eyes welled up with tears.

"None of your fucking business."

I felt my heart clench as a tear streaked down the jokers cheek. Wait why did I even care? He probably deserved what happened to him. But as I looked at him now sobbing curled up on the ground, I knew I had to do something.

I leaned over going to put a hand on his shoulder but he quickly pushed himself away from me. "How many times Bat boy!? Dont fucking touch me!" He said his voice rasing to a scream.

"Ok..ok" I said putting my hands up and backing away "I won't touch you."

I had no idea what to do, this wasn't the Joker I was used to. He obviously wasn't going to go to the police station willingly. And it didn't exactly feel right to force him. What if I brought him to the batcave?  Just long enough to patch him up, get a report out of him, then send him on his way. Alfred would be furious but I could win him over.

"Joker" I started, "just let me take you to the batcave to fix some of your injuries ok?"

"Hell no" he hissed.

I sighed and did something I would later regret, I stabbed him with a tranquilizer dart.

He tried to kick me but his eyes lolled to the back of his head and he fell backwards. I picked him up bridal style and called the batmobile.

This was going to be interesting.

Word count:1194

Hey guys! This is going to be my new main fanfiction. Im putting I dare you to tame me on hold for now. Im having a major writing block. Anyways Lilly ouut💛💛

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