Movie Night

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They got out of bed and went to the kitchen.

"What's that smell?" Clay asked, smelling a sweet aroma coming from the kitchen. George smiled to himself and replied.

"You know"

"Not really" Clay giggled back, «WAIT! No way did you make pancakes!!"

"Maybe" the other boy smiled.

"George! GEORGE!"

George was now laughing "Yes, Clay?"

Clay stepped into George's small cozy kitchen and at the kitchen table there they were, a stack of steaming pancakes.

"OMG, Can I have?!"

George giggled at Clay's excited expression and gave him the nod of approval. Clay gladly grabbed one pancake onto his plate and took his first bite of the pancake.

"Wow this is amazing George!"

"T-thank you." George answered a little embarrassed.

- after the meal -

Clay was full after their wonderful snack and wanted nothing more than to chill with George on the couch.

"So what do you want to do now?" he asked his lovely cook.

"I kind of want to watch movies and just be a lazy blop? What about chya?"

"I want to be a lazy blop with you too Georgie~"

George shrugged of Clays flirtatious voice and they went to the sofa, Clay was incredibly happy, everything was going well and he couldn't wish for anything more.

"Sit down?" George suggested patting the spot besides him. Clay sat down on the red sofa and looked at his friend scrolling through Netflix.

"I don't know what movie to watch with you, I feel like you've seen them all" George said, looking at the different Netflix categories.

"Same here, what about The Nun, it just came out on Netflix". Clay knew very well that George was a scaredy-cat, but he also knew that he liked to prove other wise.

"Hmm I don't know... It kinda seems... boring" George answered, without looking at Clay.

"He is totally scared" Clay thought, "Now should I be a nice friend and find another movie ooooooor call him a chicken and make him watch the movie? Yeah the second option sounds way better..." Clay smirked to himself and turned to George.

"Whaaat are you a Chi-Chi-Chicken George?" Clay taunted his poor friend.

"What did you call me Clay!?" George answered defensively.


"AM NOT" George shouted like he got insulted, which he probably did for the matter of fact.

Clay was now wheezing while saying the word "Chicken" over and over again.


"Then will you watch it?!" Clay replied, still laughing.

"I will..."

"Will what?" Clay answered, smiling from ear to ear.

"I will watch the NUN?!" he answered, with his voice cracking on the word "Nun". Clay laughed a little. He than held up his hand to give George a hi-five, for his bravery. George smiled weakly and after internally regretting his decision he hi-fived Clays hand.

- time skip -

George had already screamed with his girly scream on almost all the jump scares. Luckily for his fragile heart the movie was almost over. Clay was very happy with his choice in movie. He had George close besides him and he loved to explore this new side of his crush. Suddenly the screen went completely dark. George shrieked and hid his face behind the pillow, ready for the last jumpscare. Instead the ending cradits played and Clay started laughing again.

"You were sooooo scared"

"shut up" George answered still protecting his vision with the pillow.

"I am George and I am not a chicken" Clay tried to say with George's voice.

"Oh god Clay" George rolled his eyes. Clay started wheezing and continued to mock his friend. George had enough and hit Clay with his pillow. Clay lost his breath and was caught of guard.

"Oh I see how it is Chicken..." And Clay hit George back with his pillow.


"OH You will get for that George!"

The boys were laughing and hitting each other back and forth. They also threw more stupid remarks at each other. Clay ended up hitting George with the pillow so hard, that he felt flat on to the couch. Clay towered over George and the pillow fight turned into a tickle fight. George was screaming and laughing.

"HAHAHA Stop!! C-C-Clay Hahahahah!"

"What will I get if I stop?" Clay asked flirtatiously.

"Hahahah pleeeease Clay I can't... more hahah!"

"Will you kiss me if I stop?" Clay smirked looking at the restless boy, laying completely under his fingers control.


"Will you?!" Clay pushed his fingers even harder into Georges soft skin.

"Hahahhahah yes!"

"You promise?" Clay looked intensely at George, while George was twitching and laughing himself out of breath.

"YES!" George shouted, breathless because of laughing and tired of Clay's tickle-torture.

Clay stopped, but he didn't move. George finally got to breath and needed some time to completely relax. When he did, he looked up and turned bright pink. He didn't realize what this looked like. Clay towering over him. Him laying underneath.


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"C-Clay... Can you let me..."

"Go? What about my reward" Clay smiled, now also red faced.

"I thought you were joking..." George looked away from Clay's eyes but turned again to him before Clay could answer. "Unless... you didn't?

George kept looking confused at Clay. Clay started trembling. Their eyes were locked, Clay started leaning in. George closed his eyes and had his lips slightly opened. Clay leaned closer George's lips. He felt George's warm breath escaping through his nose and he felt himself getting excited. Despite this he was now the "Chicken" in the room and right before Clay's nose touched George's. He quickly laughed and kissed George on the forhead.

"Wha..wha..?" George said opening his eyes.

"I-I was just joking" Clay fake laughed but stopped immediately. George was looking very sad and he could see tears forming in the boy's eyes.

"Oh.." George could only manage to gulp out, before he pushed Clay away and ran from the sofa to his bedroom, closing the door shut behind him.

Clay was left dumbfounded on the sofa, with the credits still rolling in the background.

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