Chapter 4:

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(Y/N's POV)

"Oh my god! Oh my god! What? Who? How? Huh? Wow! Okay! Shut up Y/n, get it together," I exclaimed perplexed to my computer screen.

Ruel Van Dijk my celebrity crush and my best online friend is in Paris, France; my home town. I gasped again as it sunk in, I leant against my desk and watched the corner of my screen where the seconds ticked away. I couldn't believe it.

How could one person be so close, yet so far?

I glanced at the time - 7:05 am. I rubbed my eyes before retreating to the bathroom to get ready fo the days events.


My friends and I sat in a booth at the bets, local ice-cream shop, quickly demolishing our small ice-cream servings. My friends were discussing exam issues and other school things when my phone vibrated. I was extremely grateful for the distraction as the reason I dropped out of school was because I couldn't handle the constant stress of it.

I opened the message from Ruel, I was slightly disappointed when I saw that it as a text not a snap, however, I was still excited to see that he was wanting to message me;

Ruel: >> Heyo Mayo <<

Me: >> Bonjour <<

Ruel: >> fancy <<

Me: >> *shrugs* whats up? <<

Ruel: >> Not much. Got any free time? <<

Me: >> No sorry, I'm with friends atm, and then going to do some photography afterwards <<

Ruel: >> Oh ok <<

Me: >> so sorry <<

Ruel: >> it's cool <<

Me: >> what would we have done anyway? <<

Ruel: >> Meet up? Face time? i don't really know <<

Me: >> I'd have liked that <<

Ruel: >> Me too <<

I thought about this, Ruel actually wanted to meet me, like I wanted to meet him. Oh my god! I looked up at my friends, who were still intent in their conversation to have noticed I had completely withdrawn myself from the conversation.

Me: >> Whenever your free next, we'll meet up <<

Ruel: >> ok. I think Thursday should be good <<

Me: >> 5 days time - including today. Sounds good :) <<

Ruel: >> Awesome. well, I was gonna say TTYL but i'll probably snap you again quite soon <<

Me: >> Ahaha lol <<

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