My boy

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Katsuki laid in bed. Unable to get up. He didn't sleep at all. He felt so free and so happy a few days ago. But now the cycle has ended and now the lows are now standing tall. Over his figure. Spewing relentless words of hatred and resentment towards the blonde. He himself started to believe them.

Katsuki's eyes were dull. They weren't those shiny rubies anymore. His skin a bit pale due to him not eating as much. He felt worthless, sad, angry, depressed, and he felt like absolute shit.

He felt like a disappointment to Izu. His love. His sunshine. But now the shadows standing above him are blocking the light that usually shines in his red eyes. 

The blonde finally got the energy to get out of bed. He glanced at the clock. 2:36 pm. Time flies he thought, he could've swore that it was just 8:30 ten minutes ago. He trudged to the kitchen like he just ran a marathon. Feeling empty with no food in his stomach. So he just whipped up a bowl of cereal. As he stirred the cereal around in the bowl, taking small bites, the door opened.

There he was. His love. His sunshine. Where had he been? Kat asked himself. Looking at the bags in Izu's hand he assumed that he went to the mall with his friends. Kat still had a gloomy look scattered across his face. He looked up to see Izu hugging him. "Hey Kat, you okay?" Izu said while pulling back and giving Kat a kiss on the cheek.

Something ticked in Katsuki.  and the worst part was that the bomb just ticked for the last time. Katsuki gritted his teeth. "I'm fine," He said with a rather harsh tone. Izu's brows furrowed. Katsuki had never acted like that before to him. "Kat are you sur-" Izu started to ask again but was interrupted. "I said I'm fine, dammnit! Now leave me the fuck alone! Jesus all you do is fucking nag and nag like an old fuckin hag! You're so fucking annoying! Holy shit" Katsuki cursed while breaking the bowl he was eating out of. Izu stood back with tears pooling his eyes.

Izu slapped a hand over his mouth and ran into their room and locking the door. 

He slid down the door and sobbed into his hands.

Katsuki stood there. Tears running down his eyes. He felt like he was going to die. He ran over to the room and pleaded with Izu, but Izu just told him to go away.

he sat there. On the kitchen floor. Scrubbing the floor over and again. He washed all of the plates. And kept on wiping all of the counters and tables. Tears streaming down his face.

Then he threw down the sponge and started hitting himself. He'll never love me again. He'll never love me again. He'll never love me again. He'll never love me again. He'll never love me again. Why is everything my fault? 

These thoughts raced across his head. He sobbed over and over again. Katsuki then got up and took one of the plates and smashed it. He then picked up the pieces. I can't fix it. I can't fix it. 

He repeated over and over again while choking on sobs. He didn't even hear the door open. Izu walked into the kitchen seeing a plate smashed and his boyfriend on the floor sobbing his eyes out.

Izu felt pain in his heart. He had already forgiven Kat but what's going on with Him?

"Kat?" Katsuki didn't even look up. Izu touched Katsuki's shoulder and Katsuki flinched away and backed up into a corner. He curled up into a ball still sobbing and repeating the words I can't fix it and Its all my fault. 

Izu went over to him and somewhat hugged him. Izu whispered sweet nothings into Kat's ear and eventually Kat calmed down in Izu's arms.

"My boy's being sus', he was shady enough, but now he's just a shadow"

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