Buying Angel

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Key : (y/h) = your height
          (F/c) = favorite color 

Warning: contains the mention of Domestic abuse

A few months later....

"Hiya dollface , you look beautiful today" Angel purred as he snuck up behind (Y/n) as she was reading a book in the hotels library.

"Hello Angel" (Y/n) said not looking up from her book

"Come on dollface ya know you want me" Angel said

(Y/n) just rolled her eyes , put her book away , and left the library

A little while later....

"(Y/n) the overlords of Hell are having a meeting at Satan's Castle  do you want to attend with me" Alastor asked his great granddaughter .

"Yes Great Pop Pop sounds like fun" (Y/n) replied

"Wonderful it will be great to have you there with me" Alastor said with his usual smile

(Y/n) smiled too.

A little more later....

Angel was in his room laying on his bed cuddling with  fat nuggets , he had a really bad black eye courtesy of Valentino. (Y/n) was worried because she hadn't seen him in a while so, she knocked on his bedroom door.

After not receiving an answer (Y/n) just walked in because Angel kept his door unlocked she saw that he was asleep and (Y/n) saw his Black eye and knew exactly who gave it to him .

Vaggie gave (Y/n) the 411 about Angel's job and his boss (Read: Pimp) the overlord Valentino, and to say that (Y/n) was pissed with the way that Valentino treated Angel was an understatement so, she was going to do something about it.

Over the months that she had been in hell (Y/n) started to care for Angel sure he was a bit annoying and over sexed but, (Y/n) saw that he was good guy and she also felt something akin to love for him, Besides no deserved  to be treated like that.

The next day after  the meeting ......

The Overlords were mingling  and (Y/n) saw Valentino talking with Sir Pentious

(Y/n) who was wearing a (f/c) female version of her Great Pop Pop's outfit walked up to Valentino .

"Excuse me are you Valentino" (Y/n) asked in a fake innocent tone

"Yes I am sweet cheeks " Valentino replied with a wide grin which  showed off his gold tooth

"I'm (Y/n) Alastor's Great Granddaughter , and I have a business proposal for you" (Y/n) said

"I'm listening" Valentino said in a interested tone

"I would like to buy Angel Dust from you and I'm prepared to pay you a lot of money for him" (Y/n) said as she took out a huge was of cash from her Jacket .

"Deal , I was getting tired of him anyways" Valentino said as he made Angel's contract appear  out of nowhere and handed it to (Y/n) while she handed him the money which Valentino counted .

The next day at the hotel .....

(Y/n) was once again in the library reading when Angel came in and sat down on (Y/n's) lap .

"May I help you Angel" (Y/n) asked putting her book down

"Valentino sold me ta the great granddaughter of smiles and since you're the only great granddaughter of his that means you bought me why " Angel asked in a curious tone .

"Two reasons hun one I saw the way that he was treating you and no one deserves to be treated like that and two-"

(Y/n) just grabbed Angel by his lapel and kissed him softly on his lips and after a moment of shock Angel kissed her back .

"You have feelings for me I knew it dollface" Angel said with a smile

"Yeah yeah shut up and kiss me ya dork" (Y/n) said with a blush

"With pleasure dollface " Angel said before he kissed (Y/n)

Said the Spider to the Fly (Angel Dust X Reader) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now