Trip To Town Part 2

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-Narrator (My) POV-

Red Shoes trudged through forest, wondering where Arthur was taking her. 

"You'll love it," he reassured her. "Trust me."

Throughout the journey, he had had a careless grin, which despite herself, Red Shoes had found adorable. 

(Please don't hate me but I don't remember what the place where Arthur's sword was looked like so I'm improvising)

They soon arrived at a cliff edge, from where the town below was clearly visible. Trees surrounded area, with a boulder in the middle. The top of the huge rock was flat with a sword placed in it. 

The sight fascinated the brunette, but she kept quiet, hoping Arthur had an explanation. 


"What are you planning Merlin?" A suspicious (Y/n) asked. 

The dwarf simply grinned as he took her to the giant bunny. Merlin explained his 'amazing' idea to (Y/n) .

A scream of joy and surprise was heard as Merlin and (Y/n) traveled through the forest.

 -Red Shoes POV-

"and only someone worthy can lift it." Arthur finished with pride in his dreamy blue eyes. 

I nodded as Arthur tried to lift the sword. I waited for about half an hour until Arthur wanted to give up. "Can I try?" I asked out of curiosity.  "Sure, but not everyone can lift it".

I walked up to the sword and firmly put my hand around the sword. It felt right. I lifted it with ease and saw Arthur reach out for it. The sword was light, perfect even. But I let it slip from my palm into the rock. 

Arthur frowned at what I had done. He must really want that sword. 

"Let's head to town now," I suggested.

-Town (Third Person)-

Arthur and Red Shoes had split up to hand out the posters and look for King White. She made her way up to a sculptor who was carving a duck. "Excuse me!" Red Shoes called out. The man got an angry expression on his face as the broken beak fell down. The sculptor turned to face Red Shoes and his face was lit by surprise. 

"Oh! You're beautiful! Just wait." The sculptor quickly carved the duck face. "Oh!" Red Shoes whispered to herself as she saw her face where the duck's should have been.

"Um, have you seen King White?" The brunette asked, hoping he could help but the sculptor only shook his head. She sighed and moved along. 

Red Shoes noticed many girls staring at her with what seemed to be jealousy and whispering. She went up to a stall, where a muscular man was selling snow globes. "Have you seen King White?" She asked, showing him the poster. The man shook his head, but offered her a snow globe, to which she politely declined. It's crazy what people do for beauty, she thought to herself. 

A/n: Hi! So this chapter isn't great or anything but it's needed. Thank you for reading and staying even when I stopped updating for SO long. Also we reached 4.5K reads!!! You guys are amazing!!! 

(Discontinued) Unexpected Ever After : Merlin x ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora