(A/n)This is fun! Not really...

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Um...hi? So, you guys probably don't want to listen to my personal problems, but I just really need to share. If you don't want to listen, you're welcome to not read this. So....I have a rough past, we all do. And well, today I just....well, a year ago, I was bullied by this girl who made me feel...worthless? is that the right word to describe it? And well, today I felt the same things. I just...is it bad that I think that if I went away,  no one would care? I just feel like, I shouldn't exist and I never belong. I'm sorry if I bothered you with this....I just really needed to get this out. I hope you don't mind. On the bright side.....I got a new book? 


(Discontinued) Unexpected Ever After : Merlin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now