chapter 11 2/2

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*the test came back*

Y/n p.o.v

The test had came back positive now I'm scared you slide down the wall crying happy and sad  tears. Edwin had came into the bathroom, you look up at him and said.

I'm pregnant you said crying

Ya my bestie is pregnant edwin said

I'm scared you said

Hey it's going to be ok tou going to get threw this I'm going to be here every step of the way no matter what he said

Thank you, you said

No problem he said

When you gonna tell zion that you is prego

Um tomorrow you said

Good he said

You guys up and hung out for the rest of the day until edwin have go back home.

Next day

You up got ready to go over the boys house and tell zion that you are pregnant. Once you had got ready you had texted zion that you was coming over.

You: hey Zion I'm coming over I have to tell you something

Tall LIGHTSKIN🤤: okay cya later

After that you called an uber and waited for it to arrive.

Skip to the boys house ( cause I'm lazy).

You finally made it to the boys and you was kinda nervous, you walked up to the door and knocked on it. You heard someone open the door and it was edwin.

Hey bestie edwin said giving you an hug

Hey Eddie you said with an smile

Come in he said

You walk in the house and saw zion in the front room looking at TV, you walked up and said

Zion I have something to tell you, you said

What's is it? He ask

Um I'm pregnant you said  nervously

Once you said that zion look shocked like something just had happened.

Are you mad? you ask

No I'm just surprised and shook he said

So you ain't mad you smile

No I'm happy cause I'm going to be an father he said

After that yall had chilled for the rest of the day and had told the others that you was pregnant

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