Kenma x reader (NSFW Alphabet)

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This is what I think Kenma is like when he is comfortable with someone.I hate when other story's say he is mean and does not pay attention to you he is just awkward when he meets new people from other school but he loves you so much:)

A-Aftercare (How is he like after sex) : He will
cuddle with you under the covers and play with your hair.

B-Body part (Favorite body part of yours):He LOVES your thighs and hips,he loves resting his head on them when gaming.But he loves putting hickeys on them because nobody sees them but him.

C-Cum (Anything to do with it):He uses condoms every time but hates buying them so sometimes he has to pull out.But you bought some just in case.

D-Dirty secret (Self explanatory):Sometimes he can't stop staring at you up and down and thinking of have sex with you at that moment.

E-Experience (How experience is he does he know what he is doing):When you meet him he was a virgin so he asked Kuroo what to do at first but now he knows what he is doing

F-Favorite Position (self explanatory):He prefers missionary,doggy style or laying down and ass in the air.

G-Goofy (Is he more serious or humorous):He is kinda more serious but when teasing he can crack some jokes.

H-Hair (does the carpet match the drapes):He is pretty well groomed but sometimes he will just trim and clean up the area

I-Intimacy (Is he romantic or no):He is romantic most of the time.

J-Jack Off (Masturbation or not):One time you sat on his lap and tried to get off and you accidentally touched his dick through his jeans and it catched him by surprise so he went to take care of that because your parents where in the room next to you guys.But he rarely masturbates

K- Kink (Does he have any kinks if yes the how many):He kind of likes biting and when you give him blow jobs when he is tense after a game or practice.

L-Location (Favorite place to have sex):In either of your rooms or in the shower doesn't really matter which.

M-Motivation (What gets him going):When you sit on his lap,kiss and suck on his neck or when you wear one of his bigger hoodies with only underwear on.

N-No (Turn off or nothing they would ever do): Anything to harm you or anything your not comfortable with.

O-Oral (preferences giving or receiving,skills): Kenma is pretty good at eating you out but he loves when you give him a good blowjob.

P-Pace (fast and rough or slow a sweet):He is 50/50 but can be extra fast and rough when he is really horny.

Q-Quickie (Opinión on quickies):He doesn't like them, he will just prefer to wait.

R-Risk (Do they take risk or no):He doesn't care trying something new but if you do not like it you best bet it is not happening again.

S-Stamina (How many round can he take and go for):2-3 rounds.

T-Toys (Does he own them or like them):He does not own or use them and does not care about them.

U-Unfair (How much does he like to tease):He doesn't like to tease much but if he does he likes to bite,suck,and kiss your sweet spot and loves to make out with you.

V-Volume How loud is he,what sounds does he make):He is pretty quite he will groan , curses a bit and will compliment you.

W-Wild card (A random thing):Kenma is really different when doing it.It is like quiet,shy,and awkward Kenma has left the chat.

X-X-ray (What is he hiding under those clothes): He his a little bigger than average and has some girth to him.

Y-Yearning (How high is there sex drive): 1–3 times a month but mostly 2 times a month.

Z-Zzz (How quickly do the fall asleep afterwards): He will stay awake for a few hours. He will shower get a snack play some video games clean up the mess y'all made wash your clothes and then fall asleep hugging you.

Haikyuu character x reader  NSFW alphabet Where stories live. Discover now