Yamaguchi x reader (NSFW Alphabet)

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Yamaguchi is so adorable ahhhhh. He is so inocente so I am going to try to make him as inocente as I can :)
A:Aftercare (What are they like after sex): He likes to cuddle you till you both fall asleep.

B:Body part (Favorite body part of yours): You're eyes, he doesn't know why he loves them so much he just likes to look at them.

C:Cum (Anything to do with it): He uses condoms very time.

D:Dirty secret (A dirty secret of there's): He likes to slap your ass but thinks you don't like it (which you do) so he doesn't do it as much and he wants to.

E:Experience (How experience are they): None he was a virgin and he is still learning.

F:Favorite position (Favorite position of there's ): He likes when you ride him but he doesn't like to admit it and he likes missionary or doggy.

G:Goofy (How goofy are they): Can be serious but if you do something adorable them he will smile and stuff.

H:Hair (Does the carpet match the drapes): he is nicely groomed but sometimes he will just trim down there.

I:intimate (How intimate are they): He is pretty intimate.

J:Jack off (Do there beat there meat): He does because he will be too shy to ask you to help him with his problem. One time you caught him so you helped him and then you told him that he should not be scared to ask you for help. He doesn't like asking you because he thinks he is taking advantage of you.

K:Kink (One or more of there kinks): He only likes a little bit of biting.

L:Location (Favorite place to have sex in): Either of your rooms.

M:Motivation (What turns them on): When you begin to kiss and bite his neck then move down and take off his shirt then he will be ready.

N:No (What turns them off): Anything that hurts you, you don't like, or he doesn't like.

O:Oral (Likes to give or receive): 50/50 he likes receiving but he also likes to make you feel good.

P:Pace (Are they fast and rough or slow and sensual): Slow and sensual but if he is stressed and tensed then he will go fast and rough. If you ask him to go harder and faster then he will do it.

Q:Quickie (Opinion on quickies): He doesn't like them because he likes to take his time.

R:Risk (Do they like to take risk): No unless you really want to.

S:Stamina (How many rounds can they go for): 1-3 rounds

T:Toys (Do they own any or use them): He doesn't really know what they are so no.

U:Unfair (Do they like to tease): Not really but if you tease him then he might do the same.

V:Volume (How loud are they): Not to loud nor quiet but he definitely is not silent.

W:Wild card (A random cannon for this character): If a guy flirts with you then be prepared because he will not stop till you can't take it anymore.

X:X-ray (How big are they down there): He is average size.

Y:Yearning (How high is there sex drive): Average
Z:Zzz (How fast do they fall asleep): Mot too long after you.

Haikyuu character x reader  NSFW alphabet Where stories live. Discover now