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Hinata's POV

 "Dammit," I pant. "42-41."

 "Ha. I'm catching up," Kageyama says, his hands on his knees. We walk into the club room, and he starts to change. "How's your arms?"

 I pull my shirt off, and stare at the bandages. They're completely white. "Good, I think."

 "Wanna hit some tosses?" he asks.

 "I really shouldn't," I start. "But I really want to hit again."

 He nods, and we head to the gym. After setting the nets up, I grab a ball and throw it to Kageyama. I start running, and then my arm is raised and the ball is heading towards me. I hit the ball with a loud whack and I land on the gym floor satisfied. 

 "One more!" I yell.

 We continue until all the balls are gone, and then start again. I'm in the air again, my hand swings forward. The ball comes, and then, it stops. We're both sweating and panting by the time the others come. 

 "HINATA SHOYO." Suga yells. "What do you think you're doing?!"

 Kageyama and I freeze, and I quickly point a finger at him. 

 "It's his fault! He wanted me to hit his tosses!"

 "Dumbass! You were the one who agreed! It's not like I forced you!"

  "Tch. Can't you guys go one day without bickering?" Tsukkishima asks.

 "Shut up!" we both say.

 Suga walks over to me, and grabs my ear. 

 "Ow! Suga-san that hurts! Ow!" I wince as he drags me out of the gym. 

 "What are you thinking? Your cuts aren't healed!" he says, his face angry.

 "They weren't bleeding today, so I thought that I could just practice for a while. It's been so long, Suga-san. I want to play again! Can't I just practice today? If it starts to bleed again, then I'll stop."

 He sighs. "Fine. You have to be careful though. I know you really want to play this weekend, so be cautious to what you're doing."


 We walk back into the gym and practice continues. This time, I'm also practicing.

Kageyama's POV

 "Thank you for the food!" Hinata says, biting into his meat bun.

 Tsukkishima, Yamaguchi, Hinata, and I walk together, Yamaguchi rambling about his day and the rest of us eating and listening. 

 "Hey Tsukki, do you want to stop by the cafe again?" Yamaguchi asks, tugging on his arm.


 "Bye guys!" he waves, smiling.

 Hinata and I continue walking to my house. Silence. Tonight is going to be so awkward, I think. When we get to my house, I unlock the door and step inside.

 "Sorry for the intrusion!" Hinata calls out.

 "Idiot. No one is home," I tell him, slipping my shoes off.

 "Where are your parents?" he asks, looking around.

 "Out," I say, not wanting to explain.

 "Ah. You must be lonely all the time."


 "Where's your room?"

 "Upstairs," I answer. "You can go check it out if you want. I'll be up in a minute."

 He grins, and runs up the stairs. I open the fridge and take out different foods. After a while, the kitchen smells really good. I grab two bowls, and bring the tamago kake gohan (egg over rice) upstairs. I open the door, and Hinata is looking at an old photo album.

 "Hey Kageyama, did you ever smile in pictures?" he asks.


 "How come?"

 "I didn't feel like it," I answer. I slide one of the bowls to him, and his face lights up. He takes a bite and his eyes shine when he looks up.

 "Woaaaaaaaah! This is so good! I didn't know you knew how to cook!" he says, shoveling more into his mouth. 

 "I only know how to make a few things," I reply, embarrassed by his reaction. I take a bite, and I agree with him. It is good. After eating, Hintata asks if he can take a shower. 

 "Sure. The bathroom is down the hall. If you need, you can borrow some of my clothes."


 He leaves the room, and I lie back in my bed. I can't believe he's here. In my house. Using my shower. I grab the volleyball that's on the side of my bed, and toss it up. 

 "Uh, Kageyama?" Hinata calls. "You're clothes are kinda big."

 He giggles, and I look at him. My face flames and my eyes roam up and down his body. He's wearing shorts and my hoodie, but it's so big that it falls to his knees. His hair is wet, and a towel is hanging around his neck. 

 "Are you okay?" Hinata asks, his face also turning red.

 "Yeah, I'm fine," I reply.

 Damn. This was going to be a long night.

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