chapter 28: loving you once again

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Nayeon's POV

We are currently at a park drinking hot choco.

There are only a few people around in here so this is quite a good place to talk with Jungkook.

"There is also one thing I have to tell you about the marriage." He said.

"What? You guys want me to be your Bride's maid?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"It is not happening anymore." He said.

I paused. Really?

I look at him in the eye.

"So? Want me to celebrate?" I asked.

He sighed and shook his head once again.

"Nayeon, please, at least give me a chance to show you that you are still the one for me."he said.

I looked down. It's hard to let my guard down again.. It's too risky....

" I- I don't know Jungkook...."I whispered still looking down.

He holds my hand.

"I love you Nayeon. You know that. And I am willing to wait for the time you will accept me again." He said as he lifted my chin so now we are looking at each other in the eyes.

"I was too hurt Jungkook. I don't know what to do anymore." I said.

He smiled at me.

"Let me help you with that." He said and he slowly leaned closer til our lips touched.

My heart became alive and it started beating fast while fluttering.

Without noticing, my eyes closed as I kissed him back.

We stayed there for a couple of minutes til our lips parted.

I smiled at him as he smiled back.

"I love you Nayeon." He said.

Letting my guard down again, I said:

"I love you too Kookie." I said as we kissed again.


A day after, it have been very good.

also, Tzuyu and Taehyung are also together again. Suga, confessed to me yesterday which made me shock but he told me that he is happy now that I am happy with someone.

actually, I used to like him a little. Just a little. But it just faded away.

IU, on the other hand, is successful with her job and she was promoted to be the secretary of the company building where she is.

"Aww, love, I swear, if you are always lost in thoughts, I will kiss you." Jungkook said.

I smiled at him. "Yah! You had too many kisses today. I'm not letting you have another one." I said.

He pouted.

I chuckled. "Fine. Just. One. Last. Time." I said and stood up from my office chair and walked towards him and kissed him on the lips.

He kissed back.

I chuckled. "You should go back to work now." I said.

He smiled. "Last." He said and gave me a peck.

"Bye love! See you later!" He waved as I waved back at him and went to my seat and continued with my work.

I sighed happily. You're such a Lucky guy, I managed to love you once again....


When work was done, me, Jungkook, Tzuyu and Taehyung talk for a while in the cafeteria before we all decided to head home.

While walking towards the car, Jungkook kissed me on the cheeks while walking.

"I have to stop by at my house love. I have to get something." He smiled.

I nodded and smiled back at him. "Arraseo." I said as we separated directions.

He waved goodbye before he started his engine and drive to his house.

I then started my engine and started driving to my house.

While driving, I noticed how the sky was very dull. It has no stars.

"Looks like it will rain tonight." I said and continued driving.

Just then, a car over take on the other side of the lane as its light blocked my way.

Before I knew it, a loud crash was heard as I felt my world started to spin.

And then.....

Darkness hits me....


Uh oh, what do you guys think if this chapter?

Comment down below!

Love lots!


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