Crossmare - The Subject

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this isn't edited

Cross' Point Of View


The siren in the lab went off, alerting all of the staff including myself that one of our subjects escaped their containment cell. Startled, I jumped out of my chair and ran outside of my office to find one of the safe rooms that were open, hurting my ankle in the process.

Hi, My name is Cross. I'm the Head Scientist's clumsy assistant. I started working at Houston Lab Corporation (HLC) about two years from now, and I still haven't changed from being clumsy.


Once I hurt my ankle, I fell down onto the hard, cold tiled floor. Seeing other assistants, scientists, and people from the medical department run past me as if I was a dropped pen.

I glared at them before trying to get myself up, almost falling back down in the process. Hearing more footsteps behind me, I froze. Was it the subject that escaped, or some other worker..?

Thank goodness it was just another worker. Someone from the Health Department, thankfully. They walked in my field of view and helped me up.

"Thanks.." I mumbled, leaning on them for support. The worker looked over at me and smiled. "No problem Cross. Head Sci needs you, so I couldn't just leave you there." They chuckled. "We should hurry, a safe room is just down the hall from here."

I nodded and we started to head to the room. It didn't take long, but due to my ankle it took a bit longer. I glanced up, seeing the lights flicker on and off as if this was a horror film. I sighed and looked back in front of me, noticing that we arrived.

The person who helped me put his keycard into the socket, and the door opened. We walked in and the door closed behind us. The people that were inside perked up, but calmed down seeing that it was just us. One of my friends, Killer, ran up to me and picked me up, spinning in circles as more "tears" ran down his face.

"CROSS! THANK GOODNESS YOU'RE OKAY!" Killer exclaimed, still spinning me around in circles. "I THOUGHT YOU DIED SINCE I DIDN'T SEE YOU WITH ME!"

I chuckled. "O-Okay.. Stop spinning me around first!" I replied, and Killer did so. "First off, just because I weight less and am shorter than you, doesn't mean you can pick me up whenever you get the chance." Killer laughed, but still didn't let go.

"Second, I hurt my ankle. That's why you didn't see me, despite your office being next to mine." I mumbled quietly. Killer raised a mocking eyebrow at me, a smirk forming on his face.


Killer smiled and hugged me, laughing quietly as he did so. I hugged back, patting his skull. Suddenly, I hear a cough from behind Killer, and glanced at who did it. Seeing my other friend Horror, I stuck my tongue out at him in a teasing manner. His face turning a light shade of red in embarrassment, he scoffed.

The speakers turned on, the Head Scientist's and Site Director's voice being heard.

"Attention all Staff. Our Multi Task Force team has been able to capture Subject 34. Due to this breach, we will need a scientist or scientist assistant to check up with it from 8AM to 1PM, Totaling 5 hours a day. Site Director said. There was silence for a moment before the Head Scientist spoke up.

"We will be sending out papers to everyone in the meeting in 15 minutes from now about who should do the check up. There will be 5 guards outside of the containment room as well, so there is no need to worry."

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