Quantum leap chapter 6

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Chapter 6

As the ship was spinning fast through the void of space.

Sam's ships systems was lighting up all over with warning systems flashing and the ejector warning light was flashing at the top.

"Al says eject sam eject!"

With nothing else to do and Sam being unable to regain control of the ship he taps eject!

And his helmet visor starts to shut over his face and the top of his craft opens up and his seat rockets into space.

Sam was floating above his ship and he saw the rocks Destroy his ship in a unforgiving bombardment of the asteroids field.

The ship blow up and sent a shock wave that thew sam far away from the asteroid field sam was spinning through deep space.

Al reappears next to Sam and said

"Hang in there sam"

Spirit's ship systems pointed out Sam's ejector seat and she flew in and used her ship to pick him up.

When the mission was complete.

Spirit opened a transmission with the tiger claw and said

"Permission to land?"

The tiger claw responded

"Your clear to land on a mission well done"

Spirit very carefully flew the ship back to her mother ship the tiger claw.

And she landed back on the flight deck.

The engineers opened up the ship and helped spirit out of her vessel.

And said to her.

"You're lucky you survived."

Seeing her ship a little bit damaged by Lazer fire.

End of chapter 6


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