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"What do you mean he passed out?" Kun screeched, and Chenle shrugged.

"Jisung just passed out! I think he cried too much."

"Take him home?"

"Where is that?"

"I dunno!" Chenle was, on the contrary to Kun, kind of calm. "I'm just gonna bring him back to set."

"You're doing what?"


neo fucking done with your shit


i found a baby chick and
i'm bringing it back to set





why not???

animals are cute :(

our kitty and puppy
could have friends :(

bella and louis don't
need friends

don't you remember
when lucas tried to sneak
in fourteen kittens through
an overcoat and when
it meowed kun asked
what they were and
when lucas said drugs
kun believed him

at least we have a warning
this time

i've never seen
kun turn so pale

he almost strangled me :(

i was so scared

i saw my life flash in
front of my eyes

i bet it was pretty terrible

he beat the shit out of
lucas with the sandal

best day of my life

i got to eat so much popcorn
and laugh so much at them

okay but, a chick isn't the
worst thing in the world

Dejun brought home a
snake once



literally the only thing i ever did was -


i don't get it

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