You are far from fragile. You are far from over.

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Nezu walked to the hospital quickly, his padded feet clad in shoes that rubbed uncomfortably against his fur. It was annoying having to wear them, but sadly he couldn't walk around with no shoes on. Even Japan's streets weren't fit for that.

Striding into the hospital, he checked in at the desk, the staff easily recognising him from the many times he had brought one of the heroes to them (mostly Aizawa since he always seemed to forget when he got hurt). Many waved as he passed, most people thankfully preferring to leave him alone.

He knocked before he entered the room of the person he was visiting, knowing they would prefer courtesy over barging in- like All Might had most likely done- and waited till the barely discernible voice told him to enter.

Soft green curls glazed in sunlight turned to face him, as did the boy's head, curious eyes peeking at him. They widened slightly at the sight of Nezu, Nezu's nose twitching as he scented the distress emanating off the teen in waves. He certainly understood what that was like.

"Hello there Midoriya-kun!" His voice was cheerful, smile wide and welcoming. He really wanted to just grab some tea right now from the steaming teapot by the boy's bedside, but he couldn't. 

A shame really.

Midoriya didn't respond, or just bothered not to, which Nezu couldn't truly blame the boy for. He was invading the other's space. That had to be irritating.

Chiyo wasn't lying when she said there was something special about this kid, huh.

Not that he thought she had been- if she heard he had doubted her even once she would have his head and beat some sense into him-, he would never question her. It was just that he hadn't been expecting or anticipating to find a rather plain boy here. With 'an intelligence that rivalled your own, Nezu' as a direct quote from Chiyo. 

But he could feel it- although he didn't know what the it was exactly- through the small smile that crinkled the boy's lips, directed at Nezu for some unknown reason. Could see it in his posture, as he straightened himself up, limbs loose even as his expression betrayed nothing.

The principle of UA shows up in his hospital room and he smiles? Strange but… Nezu couldn't help but admit that it was refreshing from the more… unwelcome reactions to him, the ones he was more practised at ignoring.

"I've come to discuss a few things with you, if that's ok of course," he said, slowly stepping into the room more, closer to where Midoriya sat on top of the covers of his bed, illuminated by the light shining delicately through the window.

All he received was a nod in response.

Finding a chair beside the bed, he hopped up onto it, his legs dangling off the edge. "How are you?"

A sputtered choking sound escaped the small teen in front of him, radient emerald eyes crinkling in mirth. Nezu's raised brow quickly had him settling down, only breathy giggles escaping him now. Hands sat in his lap, no fidget of his body at all as Nezu pinned him with a questioning stare. He just stared right back.

Not even a hint of nerves shuddered through his body, and to say Nezu was impressed would be an understatement. Most people were intimidated by, if not fearful of the mouse just existing.

"Apologies for laughing Sir, I just find it peculiar that you ask how I'm doing. I'm sure you know I'm not exactly mentally stable if I'm here, now am I?" The dry tone of his voice captivated Nezu, his unusually honest response- more honest than Nezu was used to- heightening his newfound interest in this boy.

This boy… well there was something about him that stroked Nezu's gleeful manic side. 

It may have pertained to the withered dead look in his gaze, those orbs dulled from the spark and shimmer Nezu had seen in baby photos- don't ask where he got them from. Even the scared middle schooler he had seen in a yearbook photo was gone, replaced by a somewhat strange teen that Nezu didn't know what to expect of just yet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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