Suits and Ties:

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(One year later:)

It was getting rather toasty in the ballroom, and all eyes were essentially on him. He had been born for the spotlight, but not this one. Dick held onto Bruce for dear life as they glided as smoothly as they could through the events of that evening, talking to and entertaining the rich socialites from across the river.

Bruce had told him that the galas were nothing to stress about; he was just a kid, and nothing much was expected of him but good behaviour — unfortunately that meant no handstands or cartwheels.

All eyes were on him. He could feel it, even when the rich guests politely turned their gazes elsewhere when they saw him looking their way. He was the orphan that Bruce Wayne had taken in. He was the centre of curiosity, the main attraction, and he didn't know what to do. In the circus, it was simple; all he needed to do was fly. He had been born for that, and it was engrained into his fibres since before birth. But now he was hopelessly lost with all those eyes trailing him wherever he went, judging his every move, waiting for some kind of slip up. And he didn't know what to do.

Bruce wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him close to his side, sensing his ward's genuine discomfort. "It's okay, Dickie," he said. "Just smile."

Dick put on a half hearted smile, nervousness pulling his stomach tight. He might even throw up. This was his first ever gala, seeing as Bruce had been very hesitant to introduce him to the press for the first bit. Being raised under such a spotlight, the millionaire knew all too well the kind of trouble that usually came with all the popularity, and his little charge didn't need that.

"I feel sick,"

"Do you need to leave?"

Dick shook his head. He didn't want to disappoint Bruce. He had seemed so excited to let him come to the gala.

"Why are they looking at me?" He wondered softly, pressing ever closer to Bruce's side.

"Oh, they're not," Bruce lied. "They're looking at me. It's quite alright."

They were interrupted by an older man and woman, both quite lavish and eccentric. They carried the look of superiority as they stopped in front of Wayne and his ward.

"Mr.Wayne!" The man said, introducing himself and his wife as Susan and Charles. "What an extravagant ball, I must say!"

"Thank you," Bruce said. Dick didn't know how his demeanour could change so quickly when it came to talking to people besides him and Alfred. It seemed fake, and a little childish. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves! Is there anything I can do for you?"

"There is, actually, I —"

"Oh my, who do we have here?" Susan asked, noticing Dick for the first time. She didn't look too impressed, but didn't let on to anything on her mind.

"Oh, this is my s—ward," Bruce coughed gently behind his hand, hoping they hadn't caught his slip up. He gave Dick's shoulder a light squeeze, and nodded for him to introduce himself.

"Hello," Dick said, forcing himself a little taller, which was quite a feat, seeing as he was just so small. "I'm Richard Grayson."

The introduction came surprisingly easy to him, and almost instantly, there was a weight off his chest as Susan put on a loose smile.

"What a charming young man," she told Bruce. "I'm surprised."

Bruce chuckled, hand coming up to ruffle Dick's ebony hair. "He's a very good kid."

"I would have considered otherwise from his current upbringing," Charles said. "You must do a good job at keeping him in line,"

Something subtle shifted in Bruce's expression. Something that only Dick had the eye to spot.

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