Parent meeting

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Today all of the students, parents, and pro hero's where meeting at the dorm to get to know each other better. Nezu had planned it thinking it was a good opportunity for everyone, little did they know that today everything was going to go wrong. Once everyone was there they all kind of stood around awkwardly not really knowing what to do, that is until Mitsuki and Inko saw Izuku. "Izuku honey how have you been!" Said Inko crushing the boy in a bear hug. "Good I guess" he said. "How has Katsuki been, are you two still inseparable?" Asked Mitsuki shocking some of the student that new how Katsuki treated Izuku. "What do you mean miss? Bakubro is always super unmanly to Midobro. We didn't know they were friends." Said Kiri confused as to what she meant as the other students and teachers nodded in agreement. "Katsuki what have you been doing to the poor boy!?" Yelled Mitsuki getting mad at her son for hurting the boy. " I may or may not have told him to jump off a building and hope for a quirk in his next life...." Said Katsuki with shame. He and Izuku made up but he still felt guilty for what he had said to someone he once saw as a brother. "It's fine though we made up and he apologized. We are slowly getting back to the way we used to be." Said Izuku with a smile. "What do you mean 'back to the way we used to be' Deku-kun?" Asked Uraraka even more confused now. "Oh, they used to be best friends when they were younger. You never saw one without the other, they were pretty much connected at the hip." Said Inko happily. "Mom/Auntie!!!" Both boys whine in embarrassment. "Oh I have picture if you want to see." Said Inko taking out her phone.

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